Digital Detox the Easy Way

Lindsey Flagg
4 min readJul 20, 2024


Does this stressful time in world history ever leave you feeling like you just want to unplug and unwind? I’ve been feeling that frustration and exhaustion lately — in substantial amounts. I find myself caught up in cycles of over-consumption where news, social media, and even online shopping are concerned.

However, I am also uncomfortable with the concept of a full-on digital detox that would require me to shut off my phone or even switch to an old-school cell phone without smart features. I love the ability to use my phone for inspiration and relaxation. Also, who doesn’t want to be able to capture a photo or video when something in the world inspires them?

I realized that, as it is with most things in life, a digital detox doesn’t have to be approached in an all-or-nothing way. There are baby steps that can be taken to reclaim time, peace of mind and anything else that smartphones and the internet tend to take from us. That’s why I worked out a plan that allowed me to keep my favorite apps on my phone while avoiding much of the stress that comes with them. Here is what you can do to follow the same plan.

Assess What You Really Need

Are there apps on your phone that you rarely use? I found that I had several apps sitting on my phone from months past, as well as ones that I found less-than user friendly that typically left me logging in on my laptop anyway. These types of programs are usually the easiest ones to delete, as you really won’t miss them.

I also realized-rather shockingly-that I did not need my email accounts linked to my phone. As a freelancer, I rarely need to answer any email within an hour or two. Most can wait until I’m at my desk, where I can take the time to respond thoughtfully and carefully.

Removing my email applications allows me to stay off my phone more often and stay present in the moment, wherever I am. I work enough without bringing my business-related challenges with me everywhere I go. Take some time to figure out which apps are making your life harder rather than easier or wasting space on your device.

Turn Off Unnecessary Notifications

Once you’ve realized what apps you need to keep, it’s time to decide how you can manage them rather than let them manage you. Reviewing push notifications was the first step I took when I started this process.

Why do I need to know the minute that someone likes one of my social media posts, or when I get a new follower? The truth is, I don’t. I bet you don’t, either. I realized that I was getting stuck in a vicious social media cycle that looked something like the following:

  1. Read a social media notification
  2. Tap it out of curiosity
  3. Quickly respond to or ignore the notification, depending on its nature
  4. Navigate back to my newsfeed “since I’m already on here”
  5. Get stuck looking at posts for a half hour and getting sucked into drama and negativity

I realized that I had to take back control of my social media usage to stop wasting my time and energy on this pointless cycle. I didn’t want to delete all my social media apps from my phone, but it turns out that I didn’t need to. If I keep most of my notifications turned off, I’m only checking in when I have free time and fully intend to spend some time on social — not when a random notification interrupts my day.

Whether you have a shopping app that urges you to take advantage of sales every day or a bunch of spam emails pestering you, getting on top of your push notifications can help you reclaim your time and your calm.

Rethink Your Home Screen

I’ve owned various smartphones since 2013. One thing I learned early on is that the way I arrange my home screen alters the way I use and think about my applications. When I have my social media applications located on my first page in a prominent spot, I’m going to be more likely to click on them, out of convenience if nothing else.

What’s worked for me is to place these time-sucking apps in a folder. I currently have them in my “tools” folder because that’s really all they are — tools for communication. When I unlock my phone, I usually end up doing something productive and less time-consuming-like looking at the weather-rather than clicking on social media apps.

Whether your reorganization plan involves sticking your trickiest apps in a folder or banishing them to a faraway screen, doing some rearrangement work on your phone is a low commitment yet efficient way to reclaim your time and well-being.

Review in One Month

Once you have a detox plan in place, give yourself a month to see if it works for you. If after a few weeks you feel the need to reinstall an app or two, go ahead and do so. If you are still finding yourself getting sucked into those time-waster applications that you kept around, it may be time to delete them for good. The key is to give yourself some time to adjust before making more changes or giving up. It can take a while to adjust to new habits, but being patient can pay off in impactful ways.

I’ve arranged my phone where I can easily use it to contact loved ones, enjoy videos and music and stay informed without getting sucked into social media drama or work stress. I hope you can find an arrangement that works for your lifestyle.

This article was originally published as The Risk-Free Digital Detox. It has been updated and reformatted for this site.

