Interesting fact!

Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2018

Today we have prepared for you a few interesting and even surprising facts about surfing.
Ø The global surfing community is estimated at over 60 million people, 30% of which are women!
Ø Front foot for 80% of surfers is the left foot.
Ø Average surfer age is 34 years.
Ø Every surfer on average has 4 surfboards.
Ø World record for most people riding a single wave is 103.
Ø World record for most people riding the same board is 47!
Ø The highest wave ever recorded was in Alaska, measured at 524 meters.
Ø On average a surfer spends about 8% of time he is on water on a surfboard.
Ø World record for the longest surfing session is 70km in about 4 hours (record holder — Gary Saavedra).
Stay tuned for more interesting stuff ahead!

