Surfing is a sport that requires stamina, finesse and a great deal of agility along with discipline to obey by the rules of conduct on water

Published in
1 min readSep 17, 2018

When surfing one has to interact with nature and other people. For surfing to continue giving joy to its athletes, stay for both them and the people around a special etiquette was developed, the main provisions are as follows:

> respect yourself, other surfers and the ocean;
> follow the instructor’s orders;
> comply with safety rules at all times;
> only ride vacant waves (the ones not taken by other surfers).

Remember, surfing is a very dangerous sport. Every time a surfer gets on a board, he or she puts their life at risk. One of the most dangerous things a surfer may face is a shark attack. Such attacks can take place even during surfing competitions. These encounters are most likely to occur on the shores of Australia, California and South Africa.

