We did it!

Published in
1 min readAug 11, 2018

Last Wednesday I set sail from Lisbon to Madeira with João Cabeçadas. It toke us 61h11m46sec to go across. We had highs and lows. It was tiring but it felt good. We had sleep deprivation but we also did what we love…..along with many stories to share with the ones around us.

I would like to thank to everyone that help me along the way . Family, friends and others. I also want to thank the Portuguese Navy for their participation on this project as they are responsible for taking the times in Lisbon with NRP Cassiopeia and in Madeira where the NRP Orion awaited for our late arrival and above all a special thank you to Lipchain for all the support, trust and commitment on this project. It’s time to have some sleep now…the sun will be out soon.

Im very grateful for this opportunity. Let’s keep on rolling.


