Becoming Aware That You’re Not Just Fat: The Physical Signs of Lipedema

Do you have Lipedema too?

Michelle Jaqua
Lipedema and Me


Photo by Madrona Rose on Unsplash

I have been battling Lipedema for years, even though I didn’t know I had it.

I didn’t even know it existed.

My Lipedema journey began at puberty, but it remained latent until I started menopause. Like many women, I grew larger during this hormonal part of life; I developed a “middle-aged spread”, a butt shelf, a bigger belly, chubby knees, and large thighs.

I’ve always loved exercising, so I kicked up my routine and added a more whole-food diet to combat my body’s changes. I did this for four years without success. My weight increased, and my pants size grew larger.

I tried everything, from Weight Watchers to a strict high-protein diet program to a medically assisted weight loss clinic and everything in between. Nothing worked.

One day, I read one of Shannon Ashley’s blogs. She’s been diagnosed with Lipedema. Curious, I looked up this strange and unheard-of condition, thinking it was a very rare disease.

Well, I found out Lipedema is not rare at all. In fact, it’s almost as common as Breast Cancer (1 in 8), as common as Alzheimer’s Disease (1 in 9), and much more common than Ovarian Cancer (1 in 78).



Michelle Jaqua
Lipedema and Me

Advocate for Women / Owner of Lipedema and Me and The Virago