Girl Power

Empowering Girls One Story at a Time

Newsletter #1: The first theme is — Friendships

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Lipstick and Powder
4 min readJul 22, 2024


It was a horrid week of mud-slinging, with Victoria and Jane shouting my corner and Karen making accusations about me to her new friends and half the class.

The funny thing was I remember much of the shouts and name-calling going over my head. I didn’t cry or run home and hide, as I had done when the previous school had separated me from my then best friend, Claire. But let’s face it, far worse things than this had happened to me.

I almost felt detached from what was going on all around. A kind of disconnection which has returned many times over the years. It was probably my body and mind’s way of helping me cope with distressing situations.

Taken from — I Was Bullied by a School Friend for Being Poor

The above quote was written about a time when a previous best friend, Karen, turned on me when we began secondary school. After that experience, I made a conscious decision to choose my friends carefully and not accept any bad-mouthing from them. And that stuck with me into adulthood.

Lipstick and Powder Theme

I know some writers get their inspiration from prompts, so I thought every so often I…



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Lipstick and Powder

Freelance Writer/Editor 💜 Adoptee / Proud Mum / Like growing things, coffee & hens