I’m Not Like Other Girls

I’m actually much, much worse

therapy sesh with bitchelle
Lipstick and Powder
2 min readAug 11, 2024


A bunch of teen girls laying on a bed chatting and laughing
Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Let’s talk about the expression ‘other girls.’ A phrase that, to my knowledge, has been thrown around for years, usually in an attempt to elevate one woman, by putting down another.

For example: ‘I’m not like other girls! I hate makeup!’

This is sometimes — okay, most of the time — said in front of men, or more accurately, boys, to garner attention and make it clear that you’re somehow better than all of us girlies who do love makeup. When, in fact, you probably love makeup too and are just trying to make yourself look interesting at the expense of your friends.

Let me tell you one thing: if a man came up to me and said, ‘wow, I love how you’re not dramatic like other girls,’ I would absolutely take that as an insult. Because being ‘like other girls’ — is an absolute dream.

Now, trust me, babes, I’m not a feminist crusader. If men want to pay for everything, let them. This isn’t about feminism. It’s not even about being a ‘girl’s girl,’ which, let’s be honest, is another term thrown around like an insult if you do something for yourself instead of others, (but that’s a topic for another day).

Questions to Ponder:

  • Why the need to downplay your love for mainstream things?
  • Why does enjoying Taylor Swift or makeup get you a label?

Popular things are popular for a reason, darling. If you’re hating on fun, maybe you’re the one who’s missing out.

And so, to close out this chat, let me tell you, dear readers — if you’ve made it this far, and I haven’t bored you to death —

Own your girlhood with pride.

Men wish, and I mean wish, they had as many fun things as us girls. Brunch? Too girly for them. Taylor Swift? Just a ‘bitch who only writes love songs to her exes’ [says in a fake deep voice].

And to you girls who find yourselves being ‘special’ and ‘not like other girls,’ I’m sorry.



therapy sesh with bitchelle
Lipstick and Powder

25 year old sarcastic girlie. this blog is mostly for the culturally obsessed.