How Does SEO Fit Into Digital Marketing?

Liqui-Site SEO
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2015

With so many components to digital marketing, things can get overwhelming in an instant. The individual aspects might make you feel as if you have a million different jobs within your daily digital efforts, but it isn’t as difficult as you think! What’s important to remember is that each element of digital marketing relates to and influences another, especially when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

SEO is part of something bigger than just itself in the world of integrated digital marketing. Don’t let aspects of your marketing strategy become separated, they should all be brought together seamlessly — that’s what integrated digital marketing is all about.

Optimize Your Content

You’ve heard it time and time again — content is king. Having valuable content on your site will grow your presence organically and boost your SEO. The more quality, relevant content pages you have on your site, the more search engines have to crawl and index. Do not create tons of pages just to artificially increase your online presence; just know that creating great content will be valuable to your business. Having a blog on your site is so important because most websites do not grow dramatically without one. Each new post is just one more entry point to your site and a new way to relate to your audience.

STAT: 61% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company that delivers custom content. Why not try email automation for your blog content?

Make Your Story Shareable

Having content “go viral” is nearly every company’s goal, but it’s impossible to plan for a piece of content that will get that kind of attention naturally. Posts go viral when they get traffic from all over the web by being shared, searched for and linked to. Whether or not something goes viral it is not in your control, but it’s always good to keep in mind that you are producing content that has the potential to be shared.

One good story can influence your SEO and dramatically increase the value of your site by earning your company links, news pick-ups, shares and mentions on social media. Everyone brand has a story Does your content make people laugh, strike an emotional cord, or evoke thought? Share your story authentically and see what happens!

Increase Brand Awareness With Social Media

Social media has an impact on brand reach and that’s because it allows so many different people to connect with your business. Just like your site content, your blog and social posts should be “shareable”, putting your brand in front of more prospects. Remember that many consumers rely on recommendations from their personal networks through social media, so make sure that what’s being said and shared online about your brand is positive! (If not, make sure to address comments immediately and professionally.)

The level of your brand’s engagement on social channels (Likes, Comments, Shares, Retweets, Mentions, Pins, etc.) is one of several factors that influences SEO. That means that if you’re publishing content and social and no one is engaging with you, you need someone to evaluate what’s being done. For example, are you boosting every post on Facebook so it reaches those that Like the Page? Are you posing questions or simply asking community members to share? If not, a social media strategy with guidelines, best practices and some specific consulting might make all the difference in getting it right — and seeing ROI.

When you see how all of these elements connect, it makes integrated digital marketing seem much less daunting. Synergize your marketing efforts across various platforms and your digital marketing plan will prove successful.

Here at Liqui-Site Designs, we know just the right formula to maximize the benefits your business can reap through integrated digital marketing. If you have any questions about our services, just leave a comment below or contact us to schedule a consultation.

Originally published at on March 16, 2015.



Liqui-Site SEO

Integrated digital marketing agency, dedicated to delivering measurable results for clients. An experienced team, driven by both relationships and social good.