Infographic by Liquiditeam. Background photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

Professional Sports Need to be Tokenized

Why sport is an ecosystem tailormade for blockchain-based innovation.


The realm of professional sports lends itself perfectly to an innovative approach to distributing rights and incentivizing desirable actions: tokenization.

Toke… what?

Glad you asked. Tokenization is a concept that became popularized in the world of blockchain, crypto assets, and decentralized networks. It describes the act of representing all kinds of rights in the form of a digital, unique and cryptographically secured token. On an elementary level, we are talking about the certification of rights in a digital way rather than, say, in paper documents.

To understand why that is interesting, let’s look at the kind of rights that may (theoretically) be tokenized:

  • ownership rights to an asset, e.g. a tokenized equity in a company
  • contractual rights e.g. a tokenized claim to be paid by an insurance company in case of certain events
  • profit participation rights e.g. a tokenized financial instrument that grants holders a certain percentage of the issuers net revenues
  • governance rights e.g. tokenized votes in an organization’s governance body



Thomas Euler
Editor for

Tokenizing fandom at Liquiditeam. We bring social tokens and NFTs to the creator economy and professional sports. |