The Liquidity Network Update on development, marketing and business — Issue 1

Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog
5 min readAug 22, 2018

Issue 1 of the Liquidity Newsletter, 21 August 2018. 中文版。

Dear Community,

The last months have been quite busy for the Liquidity.Network team as we’ve been working around the clock on the development and business advancements of the project. At the end of June, whilst still running our ICO, we released the Liquidity Web Wallet on the Ethereum mainnet. A week later NOCUST, the academic paper complementing our existing REVIVE, was made public. Halfway through July saw the launch of Liquidity.Canvas — our creative side project that later hosted Liquidity’s first Community Competition, and also the release of the Liquidity Wallet Mobile app (for Android and iOS) on the mainnet. In the meantime, we’ve been publishing new exercises every week on our educational platform Achievement.Network, which is a step by step introduction to blockchain programming, already trusted by world-class universities.

We are therefore excited to introduce you to our bi-weekly update, where you can follow Liquidity’s development and give us your precious feedback. In this first edition, you will find a brief summary of all that we have been doing up until this point. Enjoy the read!

Arthur and the Liquidity Team

Community Update

August 13th — 17th

End of the 1st Community Competition
  • The team have been prioritising and making improvements to the UI/UX of the wallet.
  • Our 1st Community Competition which called upon participants to create a work of art on Liquidity.Canvas ( came to a close on the 15th. We got 44 submissions that have been logged and the top ten will be put to a community poll on Monday, Aug 20.
  • Achievement Network ( continues to grow and its scope increase, new exercises were added on Struct and Optimisations.

August 6th — 10th

  • Improved the faucet which allows users to receive a small amount of Wei to experience the capabilities of the wallet without depositing.
  • Excited to announce our community newsletter in English and Chinese.
  • Crafting a Bitcoin token in Ethereum: Arthur has published with his co-authors at Imperial College London the latest design on how to make a Bitcoin token in Ethereum:
    Such novel techniques will significantly improve trustless cross chain capabilities. The whole blockchain ecosystem will benefit from such interoperability solutions, such that different blockchains will not only compete but rather develop healthy synergies moving the usability of blockchains to the next level.

July 30th — August 3rd

  • The Liquidity App iOS available for testing.
  • Second week of Canvas.Liquidity.Network community competition — due to the high level of participation we have enlarged the board and reduced the maximum number of pixels per checkout to 1500px.

July 22nd — 28th

July 15th — 21st

Google Play Store
  • Halfway through July saw the launch of Canvas.Liquidity.Network — a little side quest by the team to show off the capabilities of the Liquidity wallet.
  • Two new tutorials were added to Achievement.Network on payment in solidity and on function modifiers. Then followed tutorials on Structure types and Spacecrypt Factory exercises.
  • Mainnet Mobile App for Google Playstore was released!

July 8th — 14th

  • The Liquidity Wallet app’s stability on mainnet is confirmed — user’s transactions are supported. Focus on reviewing the security, improving stability and fixing bugs. A faucet was implemented to allow everyone to retrieve a small amount of wei for free so to experience the app first hand without needing to deposit.
  • Two new tutorials were added to the Achievement.Network platform — one on Function calls and one on Security

July 1st — 7th

  • At the very end of June came the announcement of the Ethereum mainnet Liquidity.Network release. This meant ETH payments without transaction fees are now possible on the mainnet!
  • It was a positive start to July, in addition, we released another academic paper called NOCUST — A Non-Custodial 2nd-Layer Financial Intermediary, complementing our existing REVIVE paper.

Events and Conferences

In the next months we will be attending the following events:

We are hiring!

Do you want to be part of the global Liquidity.Network team and shape the future of crypto payments? We are looking for:

  • Executive Assistant
  • Business Development
  • Growth Marketers

Send us your application at with a CV and few lines why you would be a good fit for Liquidity.Network.

For questions please join us on Telegram

Subscribe for this newsletter at:

流动性 网络(Liquidity Network)

流动性.网络(Liquidity Network)在开发,市场营销和商业方面的更新。


流动性.网络(Liquidity.Network)团队度过了相当忙碌的几个月。我们不分昼夜地忙于项目的开发和商业进展。在六月底,在仍旧进行首次货币发行的同时,我们在以太坊(Ethereum)主网上发布了流动性(Liquidity)网络钱包。一星期后作为我们现有的REVIVE 的补充的学术论文 NOCUST 被公开发表。在七月中旬我们启动了 Liquidity.Canvas — 我们的创新项目。这个项目后来主持了流动性(Liquidity)的首次社区竞赛, 并且还在主网上发布了流动性(Liquidity)钱包手机应用(为 Android iOS)。同时我们还每周一直在我们的教育平台 Achievement.Network 上发布新的练习,这是个已被世界级大学信任的对区块链编程的逐步介绍。




8月13日 — 17日

End of the 1st Community Competition
  • 我们的团队已经一直在优先对钱包的UI/UX进行改进。
  • 我们的首届号召参与者在Liquidity.Canvas( 上创作艺术作品的社区竞赛于15日结束。我们得到44份录入的提交作品。前十名将在8月20日星期一放入社区民意调查。
  • 成就网络(Achievement Network) ( 继续发展。其所覆盖范围在增长,新的关于Struct和优化的练习已被加入。

8月6日 — 10日

  • 解决了阀门存在的问题。阀门允许用户无需存入资金就可以获取小额的Wei以体验钱包的能力。
  • 我们很激动地宣布我们的社区时事通讯有英文和中文版。
  • 在以太坊(Ethereum)上打造比特币代币:Arthur和他在伦敦帝国学院的合著者已发布了关于如何在以太坊(Ethereum)上创造比特币代币的最新设计:

7月30日 — 8月3日


7月22日 — 28日

7月15日 — 21日

Google Play Store
  • 7月中旬时我们启动了 Canvas.Liquidity.Network — 这是我们团队的一点支线探索来展示流动性(Liquidity)钱包的能力。
  • 两份关于solidity里的支付和函数修改器的辅导材料已被添加到 Achievement.Network 上。然后还有一份关于结构类型和 Spacecrypt Factory练习的辅导材料。
  • 为Google应用商店开发的主网手机应用已被发布!

7月8日 — 14日

  • 流动性(Liquidity)钱包应用在主网上的稳定性已被确认 — 它支持用户的交易。我们把精力集中在复查安全性,改进稳定性和修复缺陷上。我们实施了一个阀门功能,这使得人人都能免费获取小额的wei从而无需存入资金就能有对应用的第一手的体验。
  • 两份新的辅导材料已被添加到Achievement.Network 平台上 — 一份关于函数调用,另外一份关于安全性。

7月1日- 7日

  • 7月底我们宣布了以太坊(Ethereum)主网流动性.网络(Liquidity.Network)的发布。这就意味着无交易费的以太币(ETH)支付现已在主网上成为可能!
  • 7月开了个好头。另外我们发表了又一份学术论文名为 NOCUST — 一个非保管的第二层的金融媒介,为我们已有的 REVIVE 论文做补充。





  • 行政助理
  • 商业发展
  • 成长营销者






Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog

Blockchain based payment hub platform offering zero-fee, instant transfers. Supports the exchange of digital assets, scales like a bank but doesn’t hold funds.