The Liquidity Network Update on development, marketing and business — Issue 2

Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog
4 min readSep 8, 2018

Issue 2 of the Liquidity Newsletter, 08 September 2018. 中文版。


Dear Community,

Welcome to the second edition of our bi-weekly newsletter. In the last two weeks, the Liquidity team has been focused mainly on improving the mobile app in terms of design and UX. For us, user feedback is essential and making the app easy and intuitive to use a priority. The great news related to the app in the last few days is that we are now available on iOS, so iPhone users can download the Liquidity mobile app simply from the Apple Store.

As for our offline presence — events, conferences, hackathons — we have got it all covered! The Liquidity team will be present at ETH Berlin, where we are mentoring and proudly sponsoring the hackathon. At the same time, on the other side of the world, at the Ethereum Industry Summit in Hong Kong, we will present our latest paper — NOCUST — a Novel Non-custodial 2nd-layer Financial Intermediary Solution.

New exercises continue to be released each week on Achievement. Network, the latest include Call Context and Storage vs Memory — if you are following the courses, please let us know your experience by tweeting #BlockchainEducation #LiquidityNet.

We hope you enjoy this newsletter and would like to see you in Berlin or Hong Kong. So please, come by at either event or drop us a line on Telegram if you would like to meet.

Arthur and the Liquidity Team

Community update

August 27th — 31st

Liquidity Wallet app on iOS
  • We are excited to announce the release of the Liquidity Wallet app on iOS. The app can now be downloaded from the Apple Store.
  • Improvements continue to be made to the mobile app, bugs identified and fixed. The ongoing focus for the team being assigned to the design and UX including deep links, also being integrated is a unified redirection service for invoices, tips, canvas and future applications.
  • As according to our timetable new exercises have been added to Achievement.Network, this week they cover Call Context and Storage vs Memory.
  • Next week we look forward to mentoring at and sponsoring ETHBerlin. We will also be speaking and presenting NOCUST at the Ethereum Industry Summit Hong Kong. The team looks forward to meeting everyone at both!

August 20th — 24th

Liquidity Wallet Survey
  • This week we have been surveying our app users — the feedback received has been used to make the suggested UX/UI improvements. Our quest for users feedback continues please find the survey here.
  • We published our first fortnightly business newsletter in both English and Chinese on Medium — a great resource for the community to keep up to date on the latest progress, events and releases.
  • This week’s exercises on Achievement. Network are mainly on types — address and contract as well as built-in operations.
  • Preparation has begun for ETH Berlin. We are proudly sponsoring the event and mentoring at the hackathon. Come by to say hi — we have lots of swag to give away 🍪!

Events and conferences

Attendance at the following future events include:

Liquidity Meetup

Liquidity Meetup

Click here to join the Liquidity Meetup and stay updated about upcoming events hosted by us.

We are hiring!

Do you want to be part of the global Liquidity.Network team and shape the future of crypto payments? We are looking for:

  • Executive Assistant
  • Business Development
  • Growth Marketers

Send us your application at with a CV and few lines why you would be a good fit for Liquidity.Network.

For questions please join us on Telegram

Subscribe for this newsletter at:

流动性 网络(Liquidity Network)

流动性.网络(Liquidity Network)在开发,市场营销和商业方面的更新


欢迎阅读我们半月时事通讯的第二版。在最近两周里,流动性(Liquidity)团队把精力主要放在对手机应用进行设计和UX方面的改进上。对我们而言,用户反馈是必不可少的,并且使手机应用容易及直观地使用是我们的一个首要任务。在最近几天里,一个关于应用的大好消息是我们的应用现在iOS上了,所以iPhone用户可以 直接就从Apple应用商店下载流动性(Liquidity)手机应用

至于我们线下的存在度 — 活动,大会,编程马拉松 — 我们统统都覆盖了!流动性(Liquidity)团队将出席ETH Berlin, 在此大会上我们会指导并且赞助编程马拉松。与此同时在世界的另一端,在 香港以太坊(Ethereum)行业峰会上,我们将展示我们最新的论文 — NOCUST — 一个新颖的非保管的第二层金融媒介解决方案。

新练习继续每周被发布在Achievement. Network 上。最新练习包括了Call Context和储存vs内存 — 如果你正在跟进课程,请发送推特#BlockchainEducation #LiquidityNet告知我们你的体验。

我们希望你享受阅读这份时事通讯并且希望能在柏林或者香港和你见面。因此,请你参加其中任一一次活动,或者如果你想要见面,你可以在 电报群 上给我们发一条消息。



8月27日 — 31日

  • 我们很激动地宣布流动性(Liquidity )钱包应用在iOS上发布了。 应用现在能从Apple应用商店上下载
  • 我们继续对手机应用做改进,识别并纠正缺陷。我们的团队正把精力集中在设计和UX上,这其中包括了深度链接。另外一个为生成发票,小窍门,画布(canvas)和未来更多程序而生的统一化重定向服务正在被整合进应用。
  • 根据我们的时间表,新的练习已经被加入进成就.网络(Achievement.Network), 这周覆盖的是Call Context和储存vs内存。
  • 下周我们期待在ETHBerlin上指导并赞助 ETHBerlin。我们还会在 香港以太坊(Ethereum)行业峰会 上演讲并展示NOCUST 。我们的团队期待能与大家在两次活动上都见面

8月20日 — 24日

  • 本周我们一直在对我们的应用用户做调查 — 收到的反馈已被用来进行提出建议的UX/UI改进。我们对用户反馈的追求持续进行。请点此查看调查。
  • 我们在 Medium 上发行了我们首版半月商业时事通讯的英文版和中文版- 这是让社区获得最新进展,活动和发布的一个极好渠道。
  • 本周在成就.网络(Achievement. Network) 上的练习主要是在类型上 — 地址及合约还有内置的操作。
  • ETH Berlin 做的准备工作已经开始。我们会赞助本次活动并且会在编程马拉松上作指导。大家可以过来打个招呼 — 我们会给出很多免费赠品!🍪




  • 行政助理
  • 商业发展
  • 成长营销者






Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog

Blockchain based payment hub platform offering zero-fee, instant transfers. Supports the exchange of digital assets, scales like a bank but doesn’t hold funds.