The Liquidity Network Update on development, marketing and business — Issue 3

Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog
4 min readSep 24, 2018

Issue 3 of the Liquidity Newsletter, 24 September 2018. 中文版。


Dear Community,

Welcome to the third edition of our fortnightly newsletter. Over the past two weeks, the team has been focusing on improvements to the Liquidity mobile app, bugs have been fixed and the UX and UI experience greatly enhanced. Your feedback on the app was taken into consideration when implementing these changes, thank you for completing the survey! Concurrently the team has also had a packed schedule attending events in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

September events began in Egypt where we were honored to sponsor Cairo Blockchain Meetup. Our co-founder Rami also took to the stage and presented NOCUST, our hub infrastructure paper. Soon after, ETHBerlin commenced, here we were hacking, mentoring and proudly sponsoring the hackathon. At the same time, the Ethereum Industry Summit in Hong Kong took place, Guillaume our lead app developer presented NOCUST. We then attended the Vietnam Crypto Dialogue which took place in Hanoi.

Meeting everyone at these events is incredibly inspiring and we are already looking forward to upcoming dates including, the Blockchain Summit in Ho Chi Minh, the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum in Berlin, ETH San Francisco and the Crypto Economics Security Conference in Berkeley, the last two being part of the San Francisco Blockchain Week.

If you have experienced our Liquidity wallet app, we would highly appreciate your feedback following this survey. If not, you can download the app for iOS and Android and try it out :-)

Thank you for your support!

Arthur and the Liquidity Team

Community Update

September 3th — 7th

  • Improved scalability of our mobile backend;
  • Detected and resolved issues on the speed of our free ETH faucet;
  • Our educational platform Achievement.Network was completed with a full range of exercises covering Structure types and Spacecrypt Factory, Hints update and Arrays, Mappings and Enum, Struct and optimizations, Multiples contracts and Spacecrypt Armada, Built-in operations, Call context and Storage vs Memory

September 10th — 14th

Liquidity Meetup
  • We hosted our first Liquidity Network meetup during Berlin Blockchain Week. Taking the opportunity to present NOCUST and demonstrate our app;
  • Mentoring at ETHBerlin was incredibly successful we enjoyed meeting with members of the Ethereum community and gaining their feedback and suggestions;
  • Improvements made to the mobile app bugs identified and fixed. The ongoing focus for the team being design and UX including the integration of future applications.

Events and Conferences

We are hiring!

Do you want to be part of the global Liquidity.Network team and shape the future of crypto payments? We are looking for:

  • Executive Assistant
  • Business Development
  • Growth Marketers

Send us your application at with a CV and few lines why you would be a good fit for Liquidity.Network.

For questions please join us on Telegram

Subscribe for this newsletter at:

流动性 网络(Liquidity Network)

流动性.网络(Liquidity Network)在开发,市场营销和商业方面的更新



九月的活动从在埃及开始,我们很荣幸地赞助了开罗区块链聚会。我们的联合创始人Rami还走上台并展示了NOCUST, 我们的枢纽基础建设论文。之后不久,ETHBerlin开始了, 在这里我们编程,指导并且赞助了编程马拉松。与此同时,以太坊(Ethereum)行业峰会在香港举行, 我们的首席应用开发者Guillaume展示了NOCUST。之后我们参加了在河内举行的越南加密货币对话

与大家在这些活动上见面是非常鼓舞人心的。我们已经在期待即将到来的活动,包括在胡志明市的区块链峰会 , 在柏林的欧盟区块链观察和论坛ETH 旧金山和在伯克利的加密货币经济安全大会, 最后两个活动是旧金山区块链周的一部分。

如果你已经体验过我们的流动性(Liquidity)钱包应用,我们会很感激你能用这个调查来提供你的反馈。 如果还没有试过,你可以下载iOSAndroid 上的应用然后试用一下 :-)




九月3日 — 7 日

  • 我们的手机应用后台的扩展性已被加以改进
  • 我们免费的以太坊(ETH)阀门速度上的问题已被检测到并且被加以改进
  • 我们的教育型平台成就.网络(Achievement.Network)随着有全方位的练习而变得完整了。这些练习覆盖了结构类型和Spacecrypt Factory,Hints更新和数组,映射和Enum, Struct和优化,Multiples合同和Spacecrypt Armada, 内置操作,Call context和 存储 vs 内存

九月10日 — 14日

  • 在柏林区块链周期间我们主持了我们的第一次流动性网络(Liquidity Network)聚会。我们借此机会展示了NOCUST并演示了我们的应用程序。
  • ETHBerlin上的指导大获成功,我们很高兴地见到了以太坊(Ethereum)社区的成员并获得了他们的反馈和建议。
  • 对手机应用漏洞做的改进已被确定及修复了。我们团队现在正把精力集中在设计和UX上,包括未来应用程序的整合。




  • 行政助理
  • 商业发展
  • 成长营销者






Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog

Blockchain based payment hub platform offering zero-fee, instant transfers. Supports the exchange of digital assets, scales like a bank but doesn’t hold funds.