The Liquidity Network update on development, marketing and business — Issue 4

Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog
4 min readOct 6, 2018

Issue 4 of the Liquidity Network Newsletter, 6 October 2018. 中文版。

Dear Community,

We have now arrived at the fourth edition of the Liquidity Network fortnightly newsletter and we have a fresh announcement to make — Liquidity’s SDK is now live! It was launched today during ETH San Francisco where we are proudly sponsoring and holding a workshop. We are also offering bounties for the best projects working on off-chain payments with Liquidity.

Read more about the launch and the bounties here, join our new telegram group dedicated to Liquidity developers and be ready to get your hands dirty with off chain payments and the underlying technology!

During the San Francisco Blockchain Week the Liquidity Network team will be hosted as speakers at The Future of Layer 2 an event organized by the Nervos Foundation. The team is delighted to join the panel for a tech discussion on the latest developments and breakthroughs across scaling solutions. Finally, we will attend the Crypto Economics Security Conference in Berkeley where I will be presenting NOCUST our novel non-custodial 2nd-layer financial intermediary solution.

We are incredibly thankful for your continued support and engagement with the Liquidity Network, progress continues to be fast and furious. With many upcoming events all over the world, we look forward to meeting you in person to answer any questions or discuss your thoughts and views on the project. If you are attending SFBW please do come to see us! Alternatively, keep up to date on our endeavors by following @liquiditynet on twitter or our official telegram group.

Community Update

September 24th — 27th

  • Developments on Liquidity’s SDK include full wallet management, invoice generation, hub checks to ensure it is not cheating and the facilitation of seamless off-chain transactions. SDK allows Liquidity enabled applications, our first SDK was launched during ETH San Francisco. Read more about the SDK launch and the bounties here.
  • Beta version of the Liquidity Tips bot has been updated, an improved onboarding process, the ability to tip non registered users and the addition of a notification of success. Liquidity tips is an inline tipping bot which runs on Telegram and is integrated with the Liquidity wallet.
  • A payment request feature has been added to the wallet app. The feature will be tried and tested in a real-world use case by a pizzeria in Lucerne, Switzerland and will enable the set up of POS in restaurant and b2c businesses.

September 17th — 21st

  • Launching beta version for android of our Liquidity Tips bot, an inline tipping bot currently running on Telegram and integrated with the Liquidity wallet (web and mobile). Latest improvements on the bot include deep links on Android. The bot allows anyone to tip inline by simply tagging the @liquiditytipsbot and following instructions from the bot. Once tipped, the receiver will receive a bot generated message to retrieve the tip. Official announcement of the final version will follow.
  • Creating Liquidity’s developer kit that will be used at ETH San Francisco. It will provide developers with the same environment used internally to create Canvas.Liquidity.Network and Liquidity Tips. It consists of a docker image communicating with liquidity hubs and managing a given wallet. It is self-hosted by developers and is delivered with javascript libraries.

Events and Conferences

We are hiring!

Do you want to be part of the global Liquidity.Network team and shape the future of crypto payments? We are looking for:

  • Executive Assistant
  • Business Development
  • Growth Marketers

Send us your application at with a CV and few lines why you would be a good fit for Liquidity.Network.

For questions please join us on Telegram

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流动性.网络(Liquidity Network)在开发,市场营销和商业方面的更新


这是我们第四版的Liquidity Network半月刊新闻通讯,在此我们要隆重宣布一个新消息 — — Liquidity的SDK现已上线!它将于今天推出,正值ETH旧金山黑客马拉松之际,而且我们很荣幸地是该活动的赞助商,并会在活动中举办一次研讨会。我们还将为使用Liquidity进行离线支付的最佳项目提供悬赏奖金。


在旧金山区块链周期间,Liquidity Network团队将作为发言人参加Nervos基金组织的“第二层的未来”活动。我们的团队很高兴能加入该问答小组,就扩容解决方案的最新发展及突破进行技术讨论。最后,我们将参加加州大学伯克利分销的加密经济学安全会议,届时我将为大家呈现NOCUST — — 我们新颖的非监管第二层金融中介解决方案。

我们非常感谢您对Liquidity Network的持续支持和积极参与,我们会继续快速又激烈地发展。随着世界各地的许多活动即将举行,我们期待与您会面,回答您的任何问题,或讨论您对项目的想法和看法。如果您正在参加旧金山区块链周 (SFBW),请一定来看我们!您也可以关注我们的推特帐号@liquiditynet或通过我们的官方telegram群组来了解我们的最新动态。



9月24日 — 27日

  • Liquidity的SDK改进包括完整的钱包管理、发票生产和中心检查功能,确保无作弊,并促进无缝脱离交易。SDK支持liquidity的分布式应用,我们期待在ETH旧金山期间推出第一个SDK。
  • Liquidity Tips机器人的测试版本已经完成了更新,包括改进的入职流程,向非注册用户支付小费的功能以及添加了成功通知。Liquidity tips是目前正在Telegram上运行,并与Liquidity钱包(网络和移动)集成的内联小费机器人
  • 款项请求功能已添加至钱包应用中 该功能位于钱包图标下方的左上角。该功能将在卢塞恩的一家实体披萨饼店进行试用和测试,并将支持在餐厅POS机和b2c业务中建立。

9月17日 — 21日

  • 推出我们的Liquidity Tips机器人的安卓测试版,这是目前正在Telegram上运行,并与Liquidity钱包(网络和移动)集成的内联小费机器人。针对机器人的最新改良包括安卓上的深层链接。机器人让用户能够通过轻松标记@liquiditytipsbot并跟随机器人的说明,即可进行内联小费支付。小费支付后,接收者将收到机器人生成的一条收取小费的提醒消息。随后将会发布最终版本。
  • 创建将在ETH旧金山使用的Liquidity开发工具包。这将为开发人员提供与内部相同的环境来创建Canvas.Liquidity.NetworkLiquidity Tips。它包括一个与流动性中心通信和管理特定钱包的docker镜像,由开发人员自己托管,并与javascript库一起提供。




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Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog

Blockchain based payment hub platform offering zero-fee, instant transfers. Supports the exchange of digital assets, scales like a bank but doesn’t hold funds.