The Liquidity Network update on development, marketing and business — Issue 5

Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog
4 min readOct 19, 2018

Issue 5 of the Liquidity Network Newsletter, 19 October 2018. 中文版。

Dear Community

Over the past two months, we have strived to bring you the most important and exciting updates encompassing all areas of development and community progression. During this period some of Liquidity Network’s achievements include mainnet release, a stable wallet app available on Android and iOS and the successful launch of Achievement.Network and Canvas.Liquidity. Issue 5 continues to be just as exciting and possibly the most jam-packed issue to date.

Importantly we are excited to announce the LQD token Release Plan, the planned unlock date is the 22nd of October please follow our telegram for updates. Thank you for your patience in regards to the token release, be assured such focus on compliance and KYC will benefit the project and community greatly in the long term.

The team has been working hard this fortnight on Liquidity’s SDK that was launched at San Francisco blockchain week along with a bounty issued for the creation of the first off-chain hub explorer which is still ongoing. In addition, we are excited to announce challenges will be offered at the Winding Tree and Status Hackathons for the best projects working on off-chain payments with Liquidity, for more information and regular updates read about the SDK launch and the challenges here, and join our new telegram group created specifically for developers. The Hackathons are being hosted during Prague Blockchain week which takes place from the 24th of Oct to the 4th of Nov, Liquidity Network will be sponsoring at both and also mentoring at Winding Tree. The team is also excited to be attending Devcon alongside many of the most exciting Ethereum projects and developers.

Progress and developments to the Liquidity ecosystem continue to be made each and every day, a recurring question from the community has been ‘When will the Limit on ETH to LETH be removed?’ The limits will be lifted once the current testnet hub that supports ERC20 tokens is launched on the mainnet. We welcome your questions, keep letting us know your thoughts across our social media platforms.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement, we will be keeping ourselves busy this month attending many events, if you are in Prague please come to see us. We look forward to the opportunity of meeting you in person. Alternatively, keep up to date on our ventures by following @liquiditynet on twitter or our official telegram.

Arthur and The Liquidity Team

Community Update

October 8th — 14th

  • Since Liquidity Network’s SDK launch feedback from developers using the SDK is being welcomed. Improvements suggested by the community are being considered for future updates.
  • Smart contract updates to Solidity 0.5 guidelines have been implemented.
  • The Liquidity Network bounty for the creation of the first off-chain hub explorer, inspired by Etherscan is still ongoing. New bounties have been issued for the Winding Tree and Status Hackathons during Prague blockchain week.

October 1st — 7th

  • Liquidity Network’s SDK was launched at San Francisco Blockchain week, features include full wallet management, invoice generation, and checks to ensure that the hub can be trusted. Moreover, with the integration of the SDK seamless off-chain transactions are facilitated and blockchain powered applications are liquidity enabled.
  • Launched bounty for the creation of the first off-chain hub explorer, inspired by how Etherscan visualises onchain transactions. The participants will be provided with a link to the registered wallets on our current hub and with a link to the transaction history of a particular Liquidity wallet. Resources can be found here.

Events and Conferences

We are hiring!

Do you want to be part of the global Liquidity.Network team and shape the future of crypto payments? We are looking for:

  • Executive Assistant
  • Business Development
  • Growth Marketers

Send us your application at with a CV and few lines why you would be a good fit for Liquidity.Network.

For questions please join us on Telegram

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流动性.网络(Liquidity Network)在开发,市场营销和商业方面的更新




兩周以來,團隊一直為在三藩市區塊鏈周發佈流動性SDK而努力,並且針對首個鏈下中心瀏覽器的創建發佈了懸賞,懸賞目前仍在進行中。此外,我們很高興地宣布懸賞將在盤根古樹(Winding Tree)和黑客馬拉松狀態發放給流動性鏈下支付相關的最佳項目,想獲取更多信息並定期更新閱讀有關SDK發佈的信息請查看這裡, 請加入我們專門為開發人員創建的新電報組 。黑客馬拉松將於10月24日至11月4日在布拉格區塊鏈週舉行,流動性網絡將對這兩場活動提供贊助,並在盤根古樹進行指導。團隊也很高興能與許多振奮人心的以太坊項目和開發人員一起參加開發者大會。





10月8日 — 14日

  • 歡迎使用SDK的開發人員對流動網絡的SDK 的發佈提出反饋信息,並對未來更新提出建議。
  • Solidity 0.5指南的智能合約已更新。
  • Etherscan針對首個鏈下中心瀏覽器的創建發起流動性網絡懸賞 的流動性網絡,懸賞仍在繼續。在布拉格區塊鏈週期間,已經為“盤根老樹”和“黑客馬拉松狀態”發布了新的獎勵。

10月1日 — 7日

  • 流動性網絡的SDK在三藩市區塊鏈週推出,其功能包括完整的錢包管理,發票生成,并檢查以確保中心可以信任。此外,通過集成SDK可以實現無縫的鏈下交易,且區塊鏈驅動的應用程序具有流動性。
  • Etherscan如何使鏈上交易可視化,受此啟發而針對首個鏈下中心瀏覽器的創建發起懸賞。參與者將收到一個鏈接導向我們當前中心的已註冊錢包,還有一個鏈接導向特定流動性錢包的交易歷史。相關西苑可以查閱此處




  • 行政助理
  • 商业发展
  • 成长营销者






Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog

Blockchain based payment hub platform offering zero-fee, instant transfers. Supports the exchange of digital assets, scales like a bank but doesn’t hold funds.