The Liquidity Network update on development, marketing and business — Issue 6

Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog
5 min readNov 1, 2018

Issue 6 of the Liquidity Network Newsletter, 1st November 2018. 中文版。

Dear Community,

Our Newsletter this fortnight includes important updates and announcements covering all areas of the business. Firstly and somewhat most importantly the long-awaited token distribution took place on October 22, 3pm CEST and the team are delighted to announce that the LQD token is now tradable on LATOKEN, Hotbit, Bilaxy, and IDEX exchanges. Together with the token distribution, we announced the new mainnet version of the Liquidity Network hub, up and running under and the off-chain ERC 20 support.

We were delighted to take part in another busy blockchain week this time being held in Prague. The week started on the 24th of October and our first stop was at the Winding Tree Hackathon where we sponsored and announced new challenges to hack the traveltech industry using our SDK. With momentum building the team then sponsored the Status #Cryptolife Hackathon where we conducted a workshop titled # Liquidity SDK: “Build apps that scale with free and instant off-chain transactions”.

We continuously encourage developers to build using our SDK and welcome any feedback that we use to improve your experience. Constant support and discussions around the SDK happen in our dedicated telegram channel

On the 29th of Nov, we joined the Future of Layer 2 panel in Prague and discussed our ability to solve blockchain scaling issues alongside other exciting projects such as Funfair, Celer, Spankchain et al. The team is currently at Devcon4 conducting interviews with other great projects, discussing scalability and larger blockchain adoption. If you want to chat with us just reach out to

Future of #Layer2, Prague

To finish Prague Blockchain Week, on the 2nd of November Liquidity Network will be co-hosting Scalability Drinks with FBG Capital at the awesome Bitcoin Caffe in Paralelni Polis. It will be a great opportunity to continue the conversation on blockchain scalability and to reflect on the week’s achievements. Everyone is warmly invited to join, you can find the event advertised on OffDevcon or

November continues as October ended and we find ourselves in Lisbon at the world famous Web Summit. We will be taking part in the Beta startup programme exhibiting and presenting to other attendees and the media on the 8th of November. If you are attending the event in Lisbon, Portugal please come to see us, alternatively, keep up to date on our progress by following us on Twitter or our official Telegram.

Thank you for taking the time to keep up to date on our progress, our community is an integral part of the Liquidity project and we value your engagement and input. We look forward to sending you more exciting updates.

Arthur and the Liquidity Network Team

Community Update

October 22nd — 28th

  • LQD token distribution took place on October 22, 3 pm CEST and the team are delighted to announce that the LQD token is now tradable on LATOKEN, Hotbit, Bilaxy, and IDEX exchanges. Together with the distribution of the LQD token, we have announced a new mainnet version of the Liquidity Network hub up and running under
  • The new mainnet version offers unrestricted transaction amounts for off-chain assets and off-chain ERC20 support. Specifically, billfold supports currently the unrestricted transfers of ETH/ Liquid ETH, LQD/ Liquid LQD.

October 22nd — 28th

  • In preparation for the Prague Blockchain Week, new challenges have been offered at Winding Tree and Status Hackathons. Read about the SDK launch and the bounties here, and join our new telegram group created specifically for developers.
  • New endpoints have been added to the Liquidity Network Hub, to help developers retrieve statistics about various hub metrics.
  • Improvements are being made to the mobile app available on both iOS and Android. Performance improvements of our libraries and also improving our developer experience. Please see our SDK.

Events and Conferences

We are hiring!

Do you want to be part of the global Liquidity.Network team and shape the future of crypto payments? We are looking for:

  • Business Developers
  • Growth Marketers

Send us your application at with a CV and few lines why you would be a good fit for Liquidity.Network.

For questions please join us on Telegram

Subscribe for this newsletter at:

流动性.网络(Liquidity Network)在开发,市场营销和商业方面的更新


本期通訊雙週刊涵蓋所有業務領域的重要更新及公告。首先,有個相較重要的消息、是期待已久的電子代幣生成於10月22日下午3點歐洲中部夏令時間(CEST)發佈,我團隊欣喜宣布,LQD代幣現可在LATOKENHotbitBilaxyIDEX交易所進行交易。與代幣發行的同時,我們也宣布推出了流動性網絡中心(Liquidity Network hub)的新主流版本,在https://billfold.liquidity.network下啟動並支援離鏈ERC 20的運行。

我們很高興參與了在布拉格舉行的、一場引人入勝的區塊鏈週活動。該活動週從10月24日開始,我們的第一站是在Winding Tree Hackathon(黑客馬拉松),我們以贊助身分出席、並發表了使用我們的SDK破解旅遊科技行業的新挑戰。接下來,隨著勢頭的建立,我團隊隨後贊助了Status #Cryptolife Hackathon(加密生活黑客馬拉松),在那裏舉辦了一場名為#Plundity SDK:“Build apps that scale with free and instant off-chain transactions”(“構建可通過免費與即時離鏈交易的應用程序”)



完成布拉格區塊鏈週,接下來在11月2日流動性網絡會與FBG Capital共同主辦Scalability Drinks — — “可擴展性座談會”,場地位在非營利組織Paralelni Polis一座非常酷炫的比特幣咖啡館內。這將是繼續就區塊鏈可擴展性進行對話並反映本周與會成果的絕佳機會。我們熱烈邀請大家加入,可在OffDevconPragueBlockchainWeek.cz上找到上述活動的廣告。

10月結束過後迎來11月,我們會出席里斯本參加世界著名的網絡峰會(Web Summit)。我們將參加11月8日的Beta啟動計劃展覽,並向其他與會者以及媒體作簡報。如果您也正在葡萄牙里斯本參加活動,請過來與我們一會,或者,通過Twitter或我們的官方電報關注我們,了解我們的最新進展。


Arthur 與流動性網絡團隊 敬上


10月22日 — 28日

  • LQD代幣生成發佈於10月22日下午3點歐洲中部夏令時間(CEST),本團隊興奮宣布,LQD代幣現可在LATOKENHotbitBilaxyIDEX交易所進行交易。連同LQD代幣的發佈,我們也宣布推出流動性網絡中心(Liquidity Network hub)的新主流版本,在https://billfold.liquidity.network下啟動運行。
  • 新的主網版本,可支持脫鏈資產與離鏈ERC20提供無限制的交易金額。具體而言,billfold目前支持ETH / Liquid ETH、LQD / Liquid LQD的無限制轉帳。

10月15日 — 21日

  • 布拉格區塊鏈週的籌備,為Winding TreeStatus 黑客馬拉松的出席提供了新的挑戰。可在此參閱SDK的發佈與賞金,並歡迎加入專為開發人員所創建的新電報群組
  • 新的端點已添加到流動性網絡中心內,以幫助開發人員檢索有關各種中心度量標準的統計信息。
  • 正在改進可用於iOSAndroid上的移動應用程序。這不但改進了庫的性能,亦改善了我們開發人員的使用體驗。請參閱我們的SDK了解更多細節。




  • 商业发展
  • 成长营销者






Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network Blog

Blockchain based payment hub platform offering zero-fee, instant transfers. Supports the exchange of digital assets, scales like a bank but doesn’t hold funds.