Introducing Six New Lisk Team Members

Lisk Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2017

Providing a report on our continued team expansion and posting an updated list of open positions.

As the summer comes to a close, great changes are abound here at Lisk. Max and Thomas kicked off their Asia tour in Shanghai with Seoul, Tokyo and Mumbai up next. Be sure to follow Lisk on Twitter and Facebook for updates from their trip. To accommodate the rapid growth Lisk is experiencing, we have hired new talent and are working hard to implement more comprehensive resources for the Lisk community.

Product development is at the top of our priority list so you will see continued growth of our development team over the next months. From a business perspective, one of our biggest endeavours is to help educate people about Blockchain technology, therefore we now have dedicated marketing resources to Lisk Academy.

It is often asked how serious we are about expanding the team. The headcount of our Berlin office has grown by six in the last two weeks alone. These new team members will help promote Lisk’s accelerated growth.

New Development Hires

For those active on our Github account, Lucas might be a familiar face. That’s because he began working remotely back in April from his home in Argentina. He relocated to Berlin on September 12 and will continue working for Lisk as a Backend Developer. A big proponent of cryptocurrency, Lucas had our co-founder Max help organize his flight to Berlin — the only monetary assets Lucas owns are cryptocurrencies. Prior to Lisk, Lucas spent six years in IT consulting and four years as an entrepreneur.

François joined Lisk on September 6 as a DevOps Engineer. From France, he has a Linux SysAdmin background and DevOps experience. Bringing automation and CI/CD forward for Lisk are among François’ top goals. He enjoys hiking and bouldering in his spare time.

A Student Assistant with Lisk, Mona became part of the team on September 1. When she isn’t in the office, Mona is studying Media Informatics at Beuth University of Applied Sciences. Mona previously helped build an e-learning app, but her latest passion is Blockchain technology. You can find her hiking in the mountains on the weekends.

New Marketing Hires

Jennifer brings 10+ years of fintech journalism experience in New York to Lisk as Social Media Manager. Her start date was August 28. Jennifer’s first interview as a reporter was of Anthony Bourdain and she claims he’s just as cool in person as on television.

Kuba began on September 1 as a Marketing Manager. Originally from Poland, his expertise is in content strategy for technology companies. Kuba received his MBA in Marketing from Cornell University and is admittedly a pop culture fanatic.

Driven by creative innovation, Jacob moved from London to Berlin to join the Lisk team as a Marketing Manager on September 11. In the past, he worked for startup travel app Tripwire and sustainable energy company Ecovision Group. Not-so-fun fact: in 2011, Jacob lost a FIFA match for 12 Bitcoin.

Want to join us?

We currently have 8+ open positions across our development and business teams listed on AngelList. To apply, place an application through or contact us through with your resume and a motivation letter telling us why you want to work in the Blockchain industry for Lisk (up to 500 words in English).

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Lisk Blog

Blockchain Applications written in JavaScript.