Lisk Rebrand — Development Timeline

Lisk Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2017

Identity and positioning are essential components of a strong brand strategy. They define how the company communicates with its key stakeholders at every touchpoint. Here at Lisk, we treat these values with utmost importance and have been working tirelessly since the beginning of the year to clearly articulate our vision and ambitions.

Phase 1: Brand Strategy and Research

We partnered with Christian Vatter of Rlevance, a renowned brand strategy consulting firm whose impressive client roster includes Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft and easyJet. Christian conducted in-depth market research, consisting of three phases. The process began with strategy workshops to help Rlevance understand Lisk’s business model and distill the significance of what we are trying to achieve. Afterwards, we facilitated a number of interviews with blockchain industry experts and developers in order to better find out who our stakeholders are and develop a strategy for unique positioning within the market. In May and June, the Lisk team held another round of workshops with brand consultants to form the final strategy that determined our long-term ambitions as well as short-term objectives. We firmly believe that Lisk will add enormous value by providing JavaScript developers a smooth entry point into the world of Blockchain technology. The strategy documentation allows us to find creative ways to communicate Lisk’s purpose to future users.

Our work with Rlevance was closely observed and integrated by our design agency, Taikonauten. Its team members were included in expert and developer interviews to better understand the ecosystem we are building and the customer relationships we are aiming to foster. Their task was to define our visual brand identity and corporate design so that it would be in line with the recommendations presented by brand consultants.

Phase 2: Design, Testing and Implementation

In July the designers began working on our visual identity. The team at Lisk and Taikonauten decided to adopt the Double Diamond framework for all design projects, which generates solutions to problems and answers to questions that arise during the research phase. The process was divided into four phases: Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver. The team spent the summer researching as well as benchmarking other software and cryptocurrency companies. Taikonauten took a closer look at their services and products to find out what works best and what reduces potential pain points for end users. Next, the team determined what required the most focus and resources to move the project forward and reach the goals set during the previous phase.

In August, Taikonauten’s team began developing the best solutions for our new logo, website and other products for an optimal customer satisfaction. We expect this to continue throughout the end of September. This is one of the most time-consuming phases of the development process characterized by constant prototyping, testing, improving and refining. After the designs are finalised and the content created the front-end developers from both Taikonauten and Lisk will code it and breathe life into it.

The agency’s team consists of a group of talented graphic designers, UI/UX professionals, and coders. We’ve been sharing our office with them for a few weeks to collaborate even more effectively. Taikonauten helped organize our rich digital product universe and infrastructure to create a seamless customer experience. We are at the final stages of our visual brand building and cannot wait to show what we have been working on.

In the meantime, if you want to be a part of the next phases in our brand development, we are currently hiring a Social Media Manager and a Designer. You can reach out to us at



Lisk Blog

Blockchain Applications written in JavaScript.