Delegates, our second building block

Lisk Discovery (Archived)
4 min readJul 4, 2019

Projects in the Lisk ecosystem were always at the core of Lisk Discovery. Countless iterations were completed to the point where one distinct characteristic of a project came to light. On the one hand we find the decentralized application (sidechain). The application can have a team, network and most importantly a set of delegates that will validate their transactions.

A second type of project is what we labelled a tool. An application that supports the needs of our community and will help other community members. Everyone can build a tool to help our ecosystem but a rough analysis showed that up to 80% of our tools is being developed by delegates.

We can definitely state that decentralized applications and tools in our ecosystem are intrinsically intertwined with delegates. Naturally we came to a conclusion to start a new journey to show the relations between projects and delegates.


One highly requested feature of the community is a view into the world of delegates. Our feedback round found that voters also want to see what delegates contribute in our community aside from uptime, voting weight or rank.

For starters: Let’s introduce the new user page 🎉

The new user profile can show a description, social channels, contributions, and projects.

Our new verification process can integrate delegate functionality which would add: group affiliation, sharing percentage, payout threshold, payout rate, a vote and donate button.


Our community contributes a LOT! There are so much contributions in our ecosystem and unfortunately a LOT of contributions are getting lost. Let us forgot the contributions and change the narrative by providing functionality for users to create, update and delete contributions.

1. Contribution type

A lot feedback from Elum, StellarDynamic, Korben3, Tony908 and others showed us that the type of contribution is not something you can easily pin down. We introduced 19 types and will definitely evolve over time.

2. General information

A simple form will let you control what you would like to share with the community. Date will sort your contributions on the contribution timeline and the external URL will let you add additional information if needed.

Delegates overview

Those individual contributions are pretty cool but definitely need a lot more exposure. For that, we have created a slick overview of the newest contributions and general information of the integrated delegates. We hope you like it and are eager the hear your feedback!


Verifications is introduced to ensure lisk accounts are owned by the person who wants to integrate an account. The functionality lets you integrate any account which will have multiple purposes in the near future.

It’s a very important step for the platform that will enable a lot of additional features in the near future! We hope you like it 💪

The future

We mentioned in the intro that delegates are a vital part of projects. We intend to push more and more functionality to create an even closer relation between delegates and projects.

As a first, we will prepare the platform for the launch of the SDK. The delegates overview will show better information about delegate and contributions with the vision that a delegate can integrate an account from any chain in the ecosystem.

Project pages of the Decentralized applications in our ecosystem will be equipped with their specific delegate information whilst keeping the /delegates page interactive for any chain.

PS: There will be a voting manager based on contributions in the upcoming weeks 😉

The project is an initiative created by delegate endro. If you feel that using the platform benefits you life then please donate or vote. It would help the development and progress of the platform in ways you can not imagine.

You can also contact me personally for professional co-operations or investment opportunities. More information can be found on

Make sure to check out all the new features and as always:

