Extended search — Programming languages and much more!

Lisk Discovery (Archived)
4 min readMar 9, 2019

Hey everyone, it’s time to introduce some new features on Lisk Discovery! 🎉

The past few weeks, we have looked on how users were exploring projects. One of those behaviors was via the homepage or our dedicated /projects page. We encourage the exploration via these pages but would also want to have a focus on helping the user use our search experience to find projects for their specific needs as soon as possible.

Searching projects was stimulated by introducing Topics search. Getting that project even faster was one of missions that drove the following new developments.

Programming language support

How would a developer find projects where they can help out? We can for instance create a topic “Python” but that is not what the topics feature was intended to achieve. From that idea we created the programming language section.

Users can find out which projects use their favorite language via a dedicated section shown in the picture. In the following weeks you start introducing exploration pages with the projects that have entered their programming languages. Search capabilities will also be expanded upon to ensure a Java or C++ will find those projects even faster!

One small reminder to project owners that projects will be limited to add 4 topics and 3 programming languages. The measure was taken to ensure projects not selecting all topics or languages.


Earlier iterations of our search experience made a distinction between projects and topics by splitting them up a different tab. In the recent iteration the decision was made to temporarily remove our topics search but don’t worry, it will be back in the near future! In the mean time, topic search is still possible in our fast search capabilities.

Fast search

Getting users to a project should happen as fast as possible and it’s exactly why we introduced “fast search”. Do not fear an endless exploration through the hundreds of projects. Just type in your search term, wait 1–2 seconds and voila 🔍

New search layout

When the Lisk ecosystem grows, our project collection also grows. The capabilities of a simple search by name had a lot of drawbacks and really did not helped a user get to a project faster.

Searching on the keyword “lisk” results in 53 projects. Additional scrolling through those search results is time spend less on the information you actually came for.

To tackle those wasted seconds we have introduced filtering and sorting on those search results.

  • Filter— 3 characteristics can help identify a project. You can use type (sidechain, tool), topics (voting, forging, ..) or languages (python, ..).
  • Sort — A criteria where you can change the order of your results in ascending/descending alphabetic order. (suggestions are always welcome)

Search queries after the initial text search will happen with the assumption that users want to filter on those results and not search by specific topics and/or languages. This assumption can be of course wrong.

Please contact endro if you have a feeling that this experience can be improved. We’re happy to talk to you and receive your feedback!

Up next

These features open up a whole range of possibilities. In the next weeks small iterations will be made to promote topics and language exploration.

  • Fast search will start to support programming language fast links.
  • The homepage and projects page will be linked to those dedicated exploration pages

Do you like to see something regarding these features? Let us know!

The project is a initiative created in the spare-time of delegate endro. The best of me is pushing everyday to make the platform great but i can’t do it alone. If you feel that using the platform benefits you life than please donate. It would help the development and progress of the platform in ways you can not imagine.

You can also contact me personally for professional co-operations or investment opportunities. More information can be found on https://www.liskdiscovery.com/support

Make sure to check out all the new features and as always:

