A new chapter — Introducing LISTA DAO

Lista DAO
Published in
6 min readNov 30, 2023

In December, we will be welcoming LISTA DAO, and saying goodbye to Helio Protocol & Synclub.

What does this mean?

Quick recap

On 4th July 2023, Helio Protocol announced a strategic merger with Synclub, a staking infrastructure and liquid staking provider on the BNB Chain.

In the tweet, we shared that we will be launching an LSDfi foundation with a revamped name to operate and manage both Helio Protocol and Synclub.

After months of hard work and continuous development, we are ready to launch and execute the next step of our vision by launching our new organization — Lista DAO. From December onwards, Helio Protocol and Synclub will undergo a series of transformations to reflect our growth vision of a simple, but unified CDP stablecoin and liquid staking platform.

We will eventually be revamping our Dapp and host our entire suite of staking, liquid staking and decentralized stablecoin lending products on a single Dapp and platform, lista.org. This transition will take place in two phases. More details will be shared in the section “Changing our core product in two phases”.

Additionally, we will also be rebranding all our token names and tickers.

With this rebrand, HAY will be known as lisUSD, SnBNB will be known as lisBNB and finally, HELIO will be known as LISTA. All Helio Protocol and Synclub social media platforms will also be changed to reflect our new identity.

Please note however, that our validator node, Synclub, will remain as Synclub until further notice.

Expansion to Ethereum Mainnet

As part of the Helio V2 journey roadmap that we released in August, 2023, we outlined multi-chain expansion as one of the key developments to look forward to, and indeed we are delivering well on our promise.

Along with our rebranded Dapp on the BNB Chain, we will also be launching on Ethereum Mainnet. This move stems from our team’s core purpose to become the number one decentralized stablecoin in the crypto industry, and the number one LST-powered stablecoin. Our expansion to Ethereum mainnet will now allow ETH collateral to be accepted as collateral to mint lisUSD.

The team is extremely excited to take this next step forward, as it will bring about a whole new ecosystem of fresh opportunities such as new liquidity pools, new partners and new trading incentives. There will be plenty of announcements coming your way, so stay tuned!

Changing the core of our product, in two phases

When we launched Helio Protocol, our goal was to emerge as the premier decentralized stablecoin. Initially, we wholeheartedly believed that adopting the MakerDAO codebase was the appropriate initial move. Although our overarching aspirations remain unchanged, our evolving strategy to dominate the DeFi and decentralized stablecoin arena has led us to choose Liquity’s codebase for the development of our new Lista Dapp. This transition is anticipated to occur in two phases.

Phase 1

In Phase 1 of our rebranding in December, we will launch our Ethereum-based Dapp leveraging on the Liquity code base on lista.org. During this time, our helio.money webpage will still host our BNB Chain Dapp, built on MakerDAO’s codebase, with the logo changed from Helio to Lista to reflect our new identity. The appearance and functionality of Synclub’s website will remain as-is.

During this time, our official project name will instead be renamed to Lista, and we will be referring to ourselves as Lista on all public and official platforms.

There will be a feature on the lista.org and helio.money web pages available to allow users to easily toggle and access either our Ethereum or BNB Chain Dapp.

Phase 2

In approximately Q1 of 2024, we will commence Phase 2. Phase 2 will see us merge our Helio Protocol and Synclub Dapp with our Lista Dapp, and we will also transition our BNB Chain Dapp from a MakerDAO to a Liquity code base. After Phase 2, users can access lista.org to borrow lisUSD on Ethereum and BNB Chain, as well as liquid stake BNB, on a single platform.

Why Liquity?

We believe that Liquity’s code base is more reflective of a decentralized stablecoin product backed by LSTs, while still retaining a more simplistic and streamlined product design.

The main advantage we have identified with using the Liquity code base over the MakerDAO code base is simplicity. Having an overall simpler code base, with fewer smart contracts, which will be easier for us to focus on, operate smoothly and audit thoroughly. We also hope that this will result in lower gas fees borne by users when our product becomes ready. Additionally, we aspire to solve the recurring problem of confusing and complex product design and UI in DeFi by building a more simple and sophisticated product, becoming a stablecoin borrowing Dapp of choice for all users.

Why did the team choose the name “LISTA”?

LISTA is an amalgamation of LIquid STAking — the driving force behind our stablecoin. Following the merger with Synclub and the investment from Binance Labs, our steadfast commitment lies in fully harnessing liquid staking as the cornerstone of our product and technology. This dedication is mirrored in the choice of our organization’s name.

In addition to its etymological roots in liquid staking, LISTA also conveys the meaning “Bright, Ready and Smart” in Spanish, as per Collins Dictionary. We envision our new organization embodying the intelligence, simplicity and sophistication that we hope to bring to the community. Our overarching vision is to make DeFi smarter and simpler with our LST-powered decentralized stablecoin and secure staking and liquid staking opportunities.

We do not just want to be the best on the BNB Chain, we aspire to be the best.

Journey towards a more decentralized future

From December onwards, Helio Protocol and Synclub will be known as Lista DAO. The selection of our new rebranded name is of no coincidence. Our rebrand also brings us one step closer to the launch of our governance model and DAO.

Over the next few weeks, we will also be releasing more information about the tokenomics of our governance token LISTA, as well as a brand new points accrual system for our future airdrop.

Make no mistake, we have reserved the allocation for our early adopters who have used Helio Protocol before last September, and intend to uphold it. The launch of our points system will be an additional airdrop allocation for the community, and will push us closer to our collective vision for a better, brighter, and decentralized future.

The points system will commence in mid-December, with more details will be released next week. We are beyond excited about this, and we hope you will be too.

A new chapter

This is only the very first step on a series of updates and changes that will take place over the next few months, and is truly an integral period in our growth story. We sincerely thank all our users, and especially those that have been with us from the beginning. We will share again when our rebranded site and platform is finally confirmed and launched, on our social media channels, so stay tuned!

Join us, as we set out to build the number one stablecoin in the industry, powered by liquid staking.

Helio Guardians, will you join us in the next step of our journey, as Lista Legends?

Have questions?

We will be launching a series of AMAs soon on our social media platforms to help answer any burning questions you might have.

Join our social media channels to get the latest news

🔸Twitter: https://twitter.com/Helio_Money

🔸Helio Website: https://helio.money

🔸Synclub Website: https://Synclub.io

🔸Discord: https://discord.gg/heliomoney

🔸Announcements: https://t.me/helio_money_ann

🔸Telegram EN: https://t.me/helio_money

🔸Telegram CN: https://t.me/HeliomoneyCN

Note: This might be a period where there may be many malicious actors trying to take advantage of excited users. There is no confirmed airdrop date yet and the LISTA token is not yet for sale. Please remain vigilant and double, triple check sources before believing any “news”.



Lista DAO

Enjoy secure, simple and permissionless liquid staking and stablecoin lending solutions at https://lista.org/