Welcome to Season 2 of Lista’s Cosmic Adventure Challenge (Updated)

Lista DAO
Published in
10 min readMar 1, 2024

As Season 1 of Lista’s Cosmic Adventure Challenge (CAC) draws to a conclusion, Lista is all set and ready for CAC Season 2.

Participate in CAC season 2 here: https://lista.org/cac


This next chapter is poised to build on the vibrant groundwork laid previously, introducing a suite of updates and refinements aimed at enhancing the overall user experience.

Let’s dive into what’s new, and how you, our intrepid explorers, can navigate these changes to maximize your stardust collection and earn your rightful place among the stars.

Season 1 Update

Before we embark on the new Season, here are some quick updates on Season 1:

Loyalty Incentive Update:

As a token of our appreciation, all participants of Season 1 will receive a 2% stardust bonus, which will be carried over to Season 2. This ensures that your previous endeavors continue to reward you for your loyal participation in our CAC campaign.

Additionally, for Quest 1 to 3, 25% of user’s total stardust accrued will be carried over to season 2. For example, if a total of 10,000 stardust were accrued from Quest 1 to 3 in Season 1, the challenger can carry over 25% (i.e 2,500 stardust) over to Season 2. The stardust that are carried over to season 2 will also be eligible for incentive bonuses as well.

If you participated in season 1 of our CAC campaign, do check out our CAC season 1 medium article to see if you qualified for the incentive bonuses.

Stardust and Tokens

The final tally of stardust, inclusive of incentives, will be announced shortly, with the precise number of tokens to be revealed following a thorough inspection for fair play. We’re committed to ensuring an equitable adventure for all participants.

What’s New in Season 2 (Updated)

In Season 2, we’re introducing a series of updates that promise to make this Season even more rewarding. Season 2 will begin on 5th March 00:00 UTC+0. The End date for CAC S2 will be announced soon.

However, please note that the Trading Quest (0.3% token allocation) and the Binance Web3 Wallet Exclusive Quest (0.1% token allocation) will end on 15th April 23:59 UTC+0.

Below is a summary of all the changes made in Season 2 of our CAC campaign. The changes will be described in further detail below.

Increased Airdrop Allocation

We’re thrilled to announce that the total airdrop allocation for Season 2 has been increased to 4% of $LISTA’s total token supply. This substantial increase underscores our commitment to generously reward our community’s participation and dedication.

S2 Bonus pool (Updated)

In addition to the 4% airdrop in season 2, we are dedicating an extra share of airdrop allocations to select participants from CAC Season 2. To safeguard against sybil attacks by malicious actors, the specifics of this additional airdrop, including eligibility, will be disclosed only after Season 2 concludes.

Eligible users will then find a “S2 Bonus Pool” section within their personal dashboard, detailing the token amount they’re set to receive. The allocation of the S2 Bonus Pool will be carefully designed to favour small and medium contributors of Season 2, ensuring the sustained and balanced growth of Lista’s ecosystem.

Transitioning from Loyalty Incentives

In a strategic shift, Season 2 will pivot away from the loyalty incentives previously available in Season 1. Instead, our focus will intensify on active participation, ensuring that every new Quest and challenge directly contributes to your opportunity to earn stardust.

New Quest Alert — Quest 6: Hold or Stake lisUSD

Season 2 introduces task 6, where users who hold or stake lisUSD will also earn stardust stardust.

Quest 6 in Season 1 to become Quest 7:

Quest 6 from Season 1 will now become Quest 7. Dedicated to this Quest is 10% of Season 2’s total airdrop allocation, which amounts to 0.3% of LISTA’s total token supply.

Enhancements to Tasks 4 and 5

We’re expanding the Quest landscape with new whitelisted liquidity pools and shifting the stardust calculation period from daily to hourly accruals for Quest 4 and Quest 5, allowing for more frequent updates and opportunities to earn.

New partner Addition for Quest 4 and 5: Venus Protocol

Season 2 welcomes Venus Protocol as a new partner for Season 2. This collaboration opens up new avenues for participants to swap lisUSD & slisBNB pools, broadening the scope for earning stardust.


  1. To provide liquidity for lisUSD on Venus Protocol, start by visiting the Venus website and connecting your metamask wallet wallet.
  2. Navigate to the “dashboard” section to find lisUSD or slisBNB.

3. Choose the amount you wish to supply and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

4. Each dollar amount supplied during each hour will accrue 0.1/24 stardust for lisUSD (Quest 4) and 0.18/24 stardust for slisBNB (Quest 5) respectively.

On overview of Season 2

Here is how Season 2 will look like for our challengers.

Table 1: Overview of each Quest, eligible platforms, weightages and airdrop allocations

Collecting stardust for each Quest

Each of the 6 Quests will have certain rules that challengers should bear in mind.

We hope that users fully understand the calculation and accrual mechanism for stardusts:

  1. Quests 1 to 3 will follow a daily accrual period of a natural day, which is 00:00 UTC+0 to 23:59 UTC+0, with the data refreshing at 8am UTC+0 the following day.
  2. The day of deposit will not be counted as a full day, i.e if you want your participation registered from 5th February, the funds should be in the relevant platforms by 4th February 23:59 UTC+0, this rule applies to all subsequent days of the CAC.
  3. Quest 4 to 6 will follow an hourly accrual period, refreshed at the start of every hour, with the data refreshing at 8am UTC+0 the following day.
  4. The hour of deposit will not be counted as a full hour, i.e if you want your participation registered from 01:00, the funds should be in the relevant platforms by 00:59, this rule applies to all subsequent hours of the CAC.
  5. Should the value of the position change (e.g adding or withdrawing collateral, but still maintaining an active position), the lowest value maintained will be used as the basis to accrue stardust. Meaning, if within the full natural hour or day (depending on the Quest), a user adds $1,000 of collateral, then reduces it to $500, and then increases it to $10,000, only 500 stardusts will be awarded. This applies mainly to Quest 1–6.

Note that the stardust displayed in each challenger’s personal dashboard (Quest 1–6) will directly incorporate the weightage assigned to each Quest respectively (as shown in Table 1), while the stardust displayed in Quest 7 is the raw stardust (no weightage given).

Season 2 summary

Quest 1 — Provide TVL on Lista

Similar to Season 1, Challengers can earn stardust for Season 2 by depositing any accepted collateral on Lista after the start date of the campaign.

Challengers will be awarded 0.20 stardust for every dollar of TVL deposited every day.

Formula: Stardust = [(stardust from this task) * (weight of task) / 24 hours] x total no. of hours

Quest 2 — Borrow lisUSD

Similar to Season 1 as well, every $1 of lisUSD borrowed in a full natural Day period will equate to 0.05 stardust.

Stardust = [(stardust from this task) * (weight of task) / 24 hours] x total no. of hours

Quest 3 — Deposit BNB and Mint slisBNB on Synclub

Just like Season 1, challengers have to deposit BNB on Synclub and mint slisBNB to earn stardust. Challengers will cease to accrue stardust once a withdrawal is initiated.

Every $1 worth of slisBNB minted in a full natural day period will equate to 0.40 stardust.

Formula: Stardust = [(stardust from this task) * (weight of task) / 24 hours] x total no. of hours

Quest 4 & 5 — Provide LP in lisUSD and slisBNB

Just like Season 1, challengers will also be rewarded if they provide liquidity for lisUSD and slisBNB liquidity pools. However, we have introduced an additional partner, Venus protocol, along with lending pools for lisUSD & slisBNB that will be eligible for stardust.

Additionally, as mentioned earlier, stardust calculation period will be changed from daily to hourly accruals. Stardust calculation for Quest 4 and 5 will be different, where every dollar deposited during each hour will accrue 0.1/24 stardust.

Formula: Stardust = [(stardust from this task) * (weight of task) / 24 hours] x total no. of hours

Do note that when using V3 (concentrated liquidity), only active LPs will accrue stardust.


Original S1 accrual calculation…

Mary deposited $100 of lisUSD and $100 USDC into Wombat Exchange’s “ lisUSD pool” for 5 full days. Mary would have earned = [($100+$100) x 5] x 15% = 150 stardusts for her contribution to our LP on Wombat Exchange. For slisBNB, the weightage given is 20% rather than 15%. Essentially, if Jasmine deposited $100 of liquidity into PancakeSwap’s slisBNB/BNB pool for a full natural day, Jasmine will receive = 100 x 1 x 20% = 20 stardust.

With the new hourly S2 accrual calculation…

Assuming Mary deposited $100 of lisUSD and $100 of USDC into Wombat Exchange’s “lisUSD pool” for 5 full days. Mary would have earned = (($100+$100)/24 x (5 x 24) x 10% = 100 stardusts for her contribution to our LP on Wombat Exchange. If Mary had only deposited for 5 hours instead of 5 days, the stardust she will receive will be prorated as a fraction of 24 hours (e.g 5/24) — the calculation would look like this. Mary would have earned = (($100+$100)/24 x (5/24)) x 10% = 0.216 stardust.

Please bear in mind that the 15% weight in Season 1 is changed to 10% (Quest 4) and 18% (Quest 5) in Season 2.

lisUSD Eligible Pools


lisUSD/WBNB v3

lisUSD/BTCB v3

lisUSD/ETH v3

lisUSD/USDT v3

lisUSD/USDT StableSwap

Wombat Exchange


Thena Finance

lisUSD-FRAX (stable) Hypervisor

lisUSD-USDT (stable) Hypervisor

lisUSD-frxETH narrow Hypervisor

lisUSD-frxETH (wide) Hypervisor

lisUSD/BNB (narrow) Hypervisor

lisUSD/BNB (wide) Hypervisor




slisBNB Eligible Pools

PancakeSwap (v3)


Wombat Exchange


Thena Finance

slisBNB-BNB (corr) Hypervisor



Quest 6 — Hold or Stake lisUSD

Challengers will also be able to earn stardust by doing either of the following:

1) hold lisUSD in their wallet
2) Stake lisUSD on Single Staking Pool on Lista’s platform.

Stardust calculation for Quest 6 will begin at the start of season 2. However, do note that the CAC dashboard will not display the stardust accrued for Quest 6 at the start of season 2, and will only be available at a later date during season 2, which will be announced.

For every $1 dollar worth of lisUSD held or staked every hour, challengers are entitled to 0.07/24 stardust.

Formula: Stardust = [(stardust from this task) * (weight of task) / 24 hours] x total no. of hours

Quest 7 — Create lisUSD and slisBNB Trading volume

Similar to Season 1, a separate 0.3% of LISTA’s total token supply will be allocated to Quest 7. The criteria for participation remain the same as with Season 1, preserving the Quest’s core challenge while offering a renewed opportunity for rewards.

To encourage consistent participation for Quest 7, we will be dividing the 0.3% token allocation into six equal periods. Each period will have an equal 0.05% token allocation each. This will also help to prevent users from generating large volumes of transactions only on the last day of season 2, mitigating the risks of wash trading.

Additionally, Starting from period 4 onwards (3/26 ~ 4/1), Quest 7 will introduce a maximum trading volume limit of 10M USD.

In other words, addresses with trading volumes exceeding 10M USD will not accrue anymore stardust for that particular week. This weekly limit will carry on from period 4 onwards, until the end of the campaign.

Here is how the token allocation for each week will be split accordingly:

Period 1: 5 Mar 00:00 UTC+0 to 11 Mar 23:59 UTC+0 (0.072%)
Period 2: 12 Mar 00:00 UTC+0 to 18 Mar 23:59 UTC+0 (0.072%)
Period 3: 19 Mar 00:00 UTC+0 to 25 Mar 23:59 UTC+0 (0.072%)
Period 4: 26 Mar 00:00 UTC+0 to 1 Apr 23:59 UTC+0 (0.072%)
Period 5: 2 Apr 00:00 UTC+0 to 9 Apr 23:59 UTC+0 (0.072%)
Period 6: 9 Apr 00:00 UTC+0 to 15Apr 23:59 UTC+0 (0.072%)

The dashboard will be updated as well, and users will be able to see the volume of transactions they have created during each period.

The full list of eligible Liquidity Pools for lisUSD and slisBNB in this Quest will follow the same as Quest 4 & 5 for Season 2, with the addition of trading futures using lisUSD as collateral on APX v2.

Charting the Course Ahead

As we embark on this new chapter, your courage, determination, and spirit of adventure will light the way. Season 2 promises not just challenges, but opportunities to forge new alliances, discover untapped resources, and claim your stake in the vast expanse of the Lista universe.

Are you ready to continue the journey? See you for Season 2!


Whitelisted PancakeSwap Pools

lisUSD/WBNB v3

lisUSD/BTCB v3

lisUSD/ETH v3

lisUSD/USDT v3

lisUSD/USDT StableSwap


Whitelisted Wombat Exchange pools



Whitelisted Thena Finance pools

lisUSD-FRAX (stable) Hypervisor

lisUSD-USDT (stable) Hypervisor

lisUSD-frxETH narrow Hypervisor

lisUSD-frxETH (wide) Hypervisor

lisUSD/BNB (narrow) Hypervisor

lisUSD/BNB (wide) Hypervisor


slisBNB-BNB (corr) Hypervisor

Whitelisted Venus Protocol pools





Lista DAO

Enjoy secure, simple and permissionless liquid staking and stablecoin lending solutions at https://lista.org/