ChatGPT: The Power Tool in a Writer’s Workshop

PC Hubbard
Virtually Every Language
5 min readSep 3, 2023

Behind the scenes of Language Arcadia

TL;DR To dismiss ChatGPT as “bad for writers” is to dismiss the evolution of tools and techniques in any craft. Quality, ultimately, remains in the hands of the author. ChatGPT, when used adeptly, complements the writer’s journey, making the road from idea to finished product smoother and quicker.

The rise of ChatGPT has elicited a myriad of opinions on its influence on the world of writing, especially here on

Some argue it’s detrimental, whereas others see its potential.

By drawing parallels to the woodworking world, we can better understand the value ChatGPT brings to the table (no pun intended).

Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

Imagine a skilled woodworker, for centuries crafting intricate designs solely with hand tools – chisels, hand saws, and planes. And lots of hammered thumbs and splintered palms.

Then, one day, they're introduced to power tools: electric saws, drill presses, and lathes. And gloves. Suddenly, tasks that take hours or days are accomplished in mere minutes.

Is the woodworker cheating? Not at all.

The essential talent remains with the artisan, but now they have tools that allow them to work more efficiently and possibly even expand their creativity.

Similarly, ChatGPT can be seen as a writer's "power tool". Let's consider the collaborative process behind "Language Arcadia".

The ChatGPT Process: A Deep Dive into "Language Arcadia"

1. Initial Prompt: The Creative Seed (~15pc)

In the realm of woodworking, before a piece of art or furniture can be created, there's often an initial design or blueprint - a vision of the final product.

Photo by Wassim Chouak on Unsplash

Similarly, the genesis of "Language Arcadia" came from me: a storyline centered around the apparent uselessness of ancient languages. I was thinking of this in terms of network effects in economics. There’s a lot of value in learning a language that lots of people already speak (English, Mandarin) but what about minority or forgotten languages (like Akkadian)?

This is akin to a woodworker deciding they want to craft, for instance, a classic wooden rocking chair. Mind you, this can and often change as I bounce ideas back and forth and get new inspiration. It was probably going to be an egg chair for a while.

Photo by Jernej Graj on Unsplash

2. Collaboration & Iteration: Shaping the Narrative (~60pc)

Once our woodworker has a blueprint, they begin to shape the raw wood. They might use a circular saw to get the general shape of the chair legs or the seat. It's not detailed yet, but the building blocks appear.

Photo by Greyson Joralemon on Unsplash

In the context of "Language Arcadia", this shaping process was a back-and-forth between me and ChatGPT. Through iterative prompts and feedback, the narrative began to take form.

I guided the direction, set the tone, and decided on character development. ChatGPT, meanwhile, offered suggestions, filled in details, and helped expand on my ideas. I throw a lot of scraps away, but it’s easier to ‘kill one’s darlings’ this way — easy come, easy go.

Specific Example:
I wanted to explore the dynamic between the two main characters, Imran and Noor, with their respective affinities for modern and ancient languages.

They provided this direction, and through collaboration, Imran’s playful banter about dumplings was suggested by ChatGPT. But even where the machine suggested a line or an interaction, I decided if it fit my vision, much like a woodworker deciding which wood pieces fit their design.

3. Fine-tuning: Perfecting the Final Piece (~15pc)

Our woodworker, after getting the rough shape of the chair, will now engage in detailed work. They'd use finer tools to create intricate designs on the chair's back or smooth out the edges for a polished finish.

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

After the "Language Arcadia" narrative's foundation was set, it was time for refinement. This is where I iterated on lines of dialogue, refined character interactions, and ensured that the storyline flowed coherently.

ChatGPT was there to assist, offering options and variations, but I was in the driver's seat, steering the story to its final, polished form.

Specific Example:
Consider the playful exchange towards the story's conclusion, where Noor and Imran discuss the "most obvious language of all."

The sentiment behind the scene was clear — I know because I put it there, but through collaboration, the phrasing, pacing, and emotional resonance of the scene was polished if not to perfection, then at least to a state I’m prepared to put out in public.

In essence, just as a woodworker uses both hand tools and power tools in tandem to produce a masterpiece, I drew on my own creativity and judgment and ChatGPT's capabilities in harmony to craft "Language Arcadia".

Here's the crux:

ChatGPT didn't just write "Language Arcadia", even with a fancy prompt. It was a harmonious duet between human creativity and machine efficiency, and a lot of cutting and pasting.

Just as a power tool doesn't replace the woodworker's artistry, ChatGPT helps the writer achieve their purpose more efficiently and precisely.

But it doesn’t (yet) bring its own purpose or write in its own right. I’m keen to teach subtle economic concepts, but ChatGPT doesn’t have an agenda (that I know of).

Benefits for Writers:

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

1. Enhanced Productivity: ChatGPT can quickly generate ideas, outline structures, or even write sections of a story. This doesn't replace the writer but aids in the process, similar to how a power saw speeds up cutting without determining the final design. That’s how I manage to write every day.

2. Collaborative Ideation: Sometimes, writers face the dreaded writer's block. ChatGPT offers a fresh perspective, and a soundboard to bounce ideas off, much like a woodworking apprentice offering a new technique. There’s a concept I want to get across, but I’m looking for a foothold to start.

3. Learning and Refinement: Just as a woodworker learns the nuances of their power tools over time, a writer learns to better direct and utilize ChatGPT. With the right techniques, the output can be refined and polished. It’s happy to critique work over and over again, suggesting improvements and finding errors.

Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

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PC Hubbard
Virtually Every Language

Economical stories. Also interested in Language and Linguistics. My book, a Wealth of Narrations, is available in Kindle or Paperback -