What More Jamaican Emojis would look like

Kenia Afreeka
ListenMi Views
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2018

Emoji twanging. Apparently we at ListenMi aren’t the only ones who’ve done it! So our first emoji article got over 2.1k views and 5,000 Twitter engagements, plus multiple requests for new emojis! I think thousands of us like the idea of quality emoji alternatives that truly capture our view of the Jamaican personality. Here’s a few more we’ve been working on below.

This time we used some of our signature dances and gestures to communicate excitement, protest and peace. Let us know what you think! (edit: And you can now check out our emojis at Fimimoji.com).

Available on Google Play

Msg: Sorry, we’ll have to work through the Holiday weekend again.



Msg: Yow, the website finally finish!

A: (male)


Msg: Your car loan has been approved.

A: (female)


Msg: Yow! Just a give you a one hail.



Msg: My son just passed Gsat!



Download these and other emojis for your Android at Fimimoji.com. Want to see what else we’re thinking about? We’ll be showing more of what we do at @Listenmi on Instagram. And we share our adventures in illustration and creative design at www.ListenMi.com.



Kenia Afreeka
ListenMi Views

Head cheerleader at digital design firm @listenminow.