Listing.Help at Blockchain Life 2021: the Record-breaking Crypto Forum

Vladislav Vaskin
The Listing.Help Blog
3 min readMay 31, 2021

Our team attends the Blockchain Life forum every year. This time there was extra attention to the forum: large events in the cryptocurrency industry haven’t been held for more than a year due to coronavirus restrictions.

For our team, preparations for the forum start long before the event itself. On the one hand, as one of the main sponsors of this event, we prepare many materials for announcements and publications about us, our activities, and participation in the forum. On the other hand, we prepare our special materials for the forum: from chocolate bitcoins that you can always take from us at our booth to the booth layout and video projections at the forum.

Blockchain Life Forum 2021 was held in Moscow at the Music Media Dome. And once again, it exceeded all expectations! The venue managed to accommodate a record 5067 visitors and became the largest blockchain event.

Our team participated in the whole range of activities at the forum: speeches by our founder and CEO Sergey Khitrov, working at the booth, networking, participation in the job fair, and in the Blockchain Life Awards 2021.

“There were a huge number of teams coming up to our booth who were going to launch a token for their project. We see that every year there are more and more people in the blockchain industry in Russia. This is really encouraging and gives a very positive outlook on the future of the entire cryptocurrency market.

Most of all, I remember the general mood of the participants; everyone was actively networking with each other as if there was no coronavirus at all.

And of course, our victory in the Blockchain Life Awards as the best listing agency!” — Kirill Zamkovoy, Executive Director of Listing.Help.

Our booth at the forum was an opportunity for an open dialogue with the team at the event. Forum visitors came up with all sorts of questions on interaction with cryptocurrency exchanges and listing peculiarities. Therefore, the team worked hard for the entire two days of the forum.

Thanks to such events, our team understands that offline events remain indispensable. The online format is still unable to replace the emotion and density of a live forum. Besides, at Blockchain Life 2021, we felt the industry development like nowhere else:

  • New trends of DeFi and NFT;
  • Development of cryptocurrency exchanges and the mining industry;
  • New promising projects are just appearing on the market.

“Most of all, I remember the crowds of people. It was just incredible!

Besides, it’s not the first time we present the Listing.Help team at the forum, and a lot of people already know us well. It’s nice to meet them and see how their projects develop, or new ones are launched!

This forum is different from the previous ones by the fact that people talk about it as the best event in the industry and about the lack of competitors, very nice!” — Viktor Mikhaylov, Business Development Manager Listing.Help

Moving Forward

This fall, we will go to new events in Europe and Dubai, and we will be happy to meet again offline. For all the announcements of our trips, we advise you to follow our blog on the site.

The Listing.Help team

