Recap: Listing.Help at Blockchain Life 2020

Highlights and takeaways from the Listing.Help trip to Blockchain Life 2020

The Listing.Help Blog
4 min readDec 14, 2020


Every year our team attends the Blockchain Life forum. Usually, it is held twice a year: in spring and fall. This year the forum was held only once, on October 21–22, because of the quarantine. We clearly understood the concerns of many people, but Blockchain Life 2020 surpassed all expectations.

Just a few words about the atmosphere of the conference. Our team visited many top conferences of the cryptocurrency world, and we see Blockchain Life is a crypto event like no other. This year it was held at the new venue Music Media Dome in Moscow, and its scope has only increased.

If you’ve been to our booth, we know exactly what you liked: candies (and low listing prices)! We’ve been preparing them for clients and forum visitors for the 3rd year now. Our team even specially chose the most delicious chocolate for them!

“What is most remarkable is the significant number of people who came amid the pandemic.

This time there was one main hall, and the Blockchain Life team managed to gather the best speakers there. It was one of the first forums in my memory when all the seats in the hall were occupied at any time during two days because there were fascinating speeches.

Also, people appreciated the networking zone, the new feature of the forum. It was great for those too shy just to get acquainted during the forum. In the networking zone, people come up to you to get acquainted, or everybody makes contacts within the special activity.”— Kirill Zamkovoy, Executive Director of Listing.Help

Well, of course, all measures to protect the health of forum participants were observed, masks and gloves were handed out at the entrance, there were antiseptics everywhere, and warnings about social distance. We hope that such a serious attitude to participants’ health will become a quality standard at other cryptocurrency conferences.

“For me, to attend a cryptocurrency conference is always something special. You have to do your best. The first time, we come to the booth the day before the forum: we have to check its equipment and check all the booth walls’ appearance.

In the morning, we arrive a couple of hours before the start. We are completely preparing our stand: lay out materials, check monitors and video, eat well beforehand, and wait for the first Forum participants to come. You have to be ready for absolutely any questions about the listing and the cryptocurrency market from the guests. Time flies so imperceptibly in such a rhythm that we even forgot to take a team photo this year!” — Andrew Kulishov, Business Development Manager at Listing.Help

Key Takeaways

Thanks to Forums like this, our team realizes that offline events remain indispensable. We got a lot of emotion from meeting our clients and getting feedback at the forum. We were also happy to meet new people: thanks to everyone who came to our booth and everyone in the networking zone!

Moreover, at the forum, we saw the development of the cryptocurrency community like nowhere else; what new interesting projects appear in the market. After the forum was over, we watched the speeches: there was no free time to listen even to our CEO Sergei Khitrov.

It was great to see how responsible the visitors turned out to be! People decided to go offline and were very thoughtful about all the protective measures, and we want to thank them for that very much.

Moving Forward

Next year we will definitely visit the Blockchain Life 2021 forum. Just a week ago, our team discussed new ideas and things we want to implement in 2021. But we understand the most important thing that if Blockchain Life 2020 gathered more than 3000 people in conditions of the pandemic, then the next time, there will be many more attendees!

The Listing.Help team



The Listing.Help Blog

The biggest assistant for the listing project on crypto exchanges