What is Celestia (TIA), and How does it Work?

Walter Venin
The Listing.Help Blog
4 min readJul 10, 2024

Celestia is a modular data availability (DA) network designed to scale securely with user growth, simplifying the process of launching individual blockchains.

Rollups and L2s rely on Celestia to publish and provide access to transaction data for anyone to download. Celestia offers high-throughput DA that can be easily verified with a light node.

By modularizing the blockchain stack, Celestia allows anyone to start their own blockchain without requiring a validator set.

What is Data Availability?

Data availability ensures that the data for a blockchain has been published. It is crucial for blockchain security because it allows anyone to inspect and verify the transaction ledger.

Users of traditional blockchains typically download all the data to ensure its availability.

As block sizes increase, it becomes impractical for regular users to download all the data, hindering their ability to verify the chain. Modular chains address this issue with data availability sampling technology, enabling users to verify very large blocks efficiently.

How Celestia Works?

Celestia enhances scalability through several key features:

1. Modular Design: By separating execution and consensus tasks, Celestia achieves greater flexibility and scalability.

2. Data Availability Sampling (DAS): This allows nodes to process only necessary transactions, reducing network load and increasing efficiency.

3. Security and Resource Efficiency: Utilizing technologies like DAS and fraud/validity proofs, Celestia ensures light nodes have security comparable to full nodes but with fewer resources.

4. Architecture: The architecture is inspired by scalable and decentralized protocols, designed to support a high user volume while maintaining decentralization and security.

The Origin of Celestia

Celestia traces its roots to Mustafa Al-Bassam’s 2019 whitepaper, LazyLedger. The idea behind LazyLedger was that the ledger would focus solely on data availability, avoiding computation or execution tasks.

Al-Bassam then decided to form a team to turn his concept into a crypto project, bringing on board Ismail Khoffi and John Adler as co-founders. Khoffi was a core developer for the Cosmos ecosystem, while Adler worked with optimistic rollup technology. The project was rebranded as ‘Celestia’ in 2021, and the mainnet launched on October 31, 2023.

Celestia received support from prominent figures in crypto, such as Bain Capital Crypto, Coinbase Ventures, and Jump Crypto. The project’s success was evident when its native token, ‘TIA’, saw a 500% price increase by mid-December after the mainnet launch.

In December 2023, Polygon Labs announced that Celestia would integrate with the Polygon Chain Development Kit (CDK), allowing Polygon developers to use Celestia as a plug-in component. Additionally, Celestia collaborated with Optimism Labs to enable rollups built with the Optimism stack to use Celestia or any other blockchain as a data availability layer.

In February 2024, Celestia became the first external project to contribute to the Arbitrum Orbit protocol layer. This integration allows developers to use Celestia alongside Arbitrum AnyTrust as a data availability layer for Arbitrum rollups.

What Is TIA Token?

The TIA token is the native cryptocurrency of the Celestia blockchain, designed to support its modular and scalable infrastructure. Its main uses include staking for network security, participating in governance decisions, and incentivizing data availability and validation.

Additionally, the TIA token facilitates transaction fees and rewards within the Celestia ecosystem, ensuring participants are compensated for their contributions. This utility highlights the token’s crucial role in maintaining a decentralized, efficient, and user-governed blockchain platform.

Paying for Blobspace

Celestia introduces ‘Blobspace’ to ensure data accessibility across the network. Developers use TIA tokens to submit transactions to ‘PayForBlobs’, incurring fees in TIA. This system is essential for maintaining data integrity and availability within the Celestia ecosystem.

Bootstrapping New Rollups

Celestia simplifies blockchain deployment, enabling developers to launch their own blockchains easily. TIA tokens can be used as a native token for paying gas, removing the need to create a new token immediately and allowing developers to focus on their applications’ core functionalities.

Proof of Stake Consensus

Celestia uses a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to secure its network. TIA holders enhance network security by delegating their tokens to validators. In return, they earn a portion of the staking rewards, making TIA ownership a means for governance participation and potential income.

Decentralized Governance

TIA tokens play a crucial role in Celestia’s decentralized governance. Token holders can vote on network parameters and manage the community pool, which receives a share of block rewards. This involvement ensures that the Celestia community has a significant influence on the network’s future direction.


The TIA token’s economic structure is designed to ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of the Celestia network. Key aspects such as total supply, distribution methods, staking rewards, and governance rights are thoughtfully crafted to align the interests of all participants.

The distribution strategy balanced allocation among developers, validators, and the community, promoting an inclusive and decentralized ecosystem. Staking rewards and governance features encourage active involvement and investment in the network’s security and development. This creates a solid economic model that supports the vision of a modular, scalable blockchain infrastructure.

The Future of Celestia Network

Celestia aims to achieve significant milestones. One primary objective is to increase its block size from 2MB at launch to 1GB. Additionally, Celestia seeks to enhance data throughput to support a million rollups and accommodate a billion light nodes. Another goal is to enable these light nodes to run on smartphones.

Despite facing competition, Celestia has established a significant presence in the crypto market. Numerous Rollups-as-a-service (RaaS) projects have integrated Celestia into their systems. Notable among these are AltLayer, Caldera, Vistara, Gateway, and Snapchain.

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