What Is Chain Abstraction?

Walter Venin
The Listing.Help Blog
5 min readJun 18, 2024

The concept of chain abstraction revolves around simplifying blockchain technology for users. The goal is for people to use blockchain without even realizing it or knowing which specific blockchain they are interacting with.

In Web3, the push for abstraction, from ideas like account abstraction (ERC-4337) to the growing emphasis on chain abstraction, highlights a critical move towards making blockchain more user-friendly and interoperable. The main focus is on simplifying complex processes to improve accessibility for both users and developers. For example, account abstraction makes managing wallets and signing transactions more straightforward, reducing obstacles for those who aren’t technically inclined.

In a similar vein, chain abstraction, a concept promoted by NEAR, aims to unify the diverse blockchain environment. It allows for smooth interactions across various networks without requiring users to understand the specifics of each one. These efforts are essential in overcoming two major barriers to widespread blockchain adoption: complexity and fragmentation. By removing the technical layers, Web3 is progressing towards a more inclusive and connected future, where the emphasis is on the benefits and experiences that blockchain can provide, rather than the technology itself.

How Does Chain Abstraction Work?

Simplifying Interaction

Consider the frustration if you could only send messages between iPhones and not to Android devices. Such a limitation would be inefficient and impractical. Likewise, users should be able to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) across different blockchains without unnecessary barriers.

The aim of chain abstraction is to conceal the complexities of blockchain technology, allowing users to focus on the functionality and benefits of the DApps they use. For example, when Sarah wants to use a new DApp called XYZ, she shouldn’t need to know which blockchain it is built on. She simply wants it to work effectively and serve its purpose.

Similarly, millions use the internet daily without understanding the underlying technology. As long as it works and adds value, there’s no need for users to grasp all the technical details.

Streamlining Transactions

Imagine using a DApp that allows seamless transactions across multiple networks and services. For instance, Sarah opens the XYZ app on her phone, orders a coffee, and sees a discount for her favorite clothing store. She buys a pair of shoes and earns rewards stored as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on Ethereum. Later, she notices a special offer linked to her rewards and buys event tickets, which are also NFTs but on BNB Smart Chain (BSC).

All these transactions happen within a single app, eliminating the need for Sarah to manage multiple wallets, switch networks, or handle transaction fees directly. Achieving this level of cross-chain interaction is the ultimate goal of chain abstraction.

Examples of Chain Abstraction

Cross-Chain DeFi Platforms

Platforms like ThorChain and AnySwap allow users to swap tokens across different blockchains without needing separate exchanges or bridges. Users interact with a single interface, while the platform handles the underlying cross-chain operations.

Unified Wallets

Wallets like MetaMask’s Snaps support multiple blockchains, enabling users to manage their assets across different networks in one place. This means users can send, receive, and interact with tokens on various chains without switching wallets or networks manually.

Multichain NFT Platforms

Marketplaces such as OpenSea allow users to buy, sell, and view NFTs from multiple blockchains through a single platform interface. This eliminates the need for users to navigate multiple NFT marketplaces specific to each blockchain.

Blockchain-Agnostic dApps

Some dApps are designed to operate on multiple blockchains simultaneously. For example, a gaming platform might let players use assets from Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon without worrying about which blockchain those assets are on. The game focuses on gameplay and in-game economics, abstracting away the chain-specific details.

Protocol-Level Abstraction

Projects like Cosmos and Polkadot enable different blockchains to interoperate seamlessly at the protocol level. Through their inter-blockchain communication protocols, they allow data and assets to move freely between chains, simplifying the process for both developers and users.

Smart Contract Abstraction

Tools like Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) simplify the development of cross-chain applications by providing a standardized way to create smart contracts that can interact with multiple blockchains. This allows developers to build complex cross-chain logic without dealing with the specific details of each blockchain.

Benefits of Chain Abstraction

Defragmenting Liquidity

Liquidity is often trapped within individual networks, creating barriers for users and developers. This approach solves the problem by allowing access to resources across multiple chains.

Consider John, who wants to lend his tokens to earn interest. Without this innovation, he would need to find a platform on the specific chain his tokens are on. With it, John can lend his tokens on a platform that combines liquidity from various sources. This can attract more users and offer John more competitive interest rates.

Simplified Development

For developers, this strategy provides the freedom to build applications without being confined to a single chain’s limitations.

A developer might choose one chain for its smart contract capabilities and another for its cost efficiency. For example, Decentraland uses one network to enable users to trade wearables for avatars without transaction fees. It’s worth noting that Decentraland employs multiple strategies to eliminate fees, as transactions on this network usually have minimal costs but are not entirely free.

Challenges of Chain Abstraction

Centralization Risks

Implementing this concept might involve creating a unified interface for interacting with various applications, enhancing user experience. However, this interface could become a single point of failure, posing a risk of centralization.

Security Risks

Each network has distinct security protocols. Combining these into a single interface poses a challenge in maintaining all security measures. If not carefully executed, this new interface could introduce vulnerabilities.

Interoperability Issues

Achieving interoperability across different networks is another significant challenge. Each has unique consensus algorithms and smart contract languages, making it difficult to develop a universal interface that works seamlessly across all of them. For instance, a smart contract designed for one network is not directly compatible with another due to differences in their programming languages and underlying technologies.


Chain abstraction aims to simplify interactions across different networks. Its benefits include defragmented liquidity and easier development. However, it also faces challenges such as centralization risks, security issues, and interoperability hurdles. Despite these challenges, this approach has the potential to create more interoperable and user-friendly ecosystems.

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