Listly Can Help You Generate Leads to Boost Your Reach

Listly | Tips and Tricks
2 min readMay 26, 2022

Wonder where to start generating leads? Well, you may want to do it by collecting email addresses or using online directories, such as directory sites and social media platforms. If you’re just starting out a lead generation business, Listly should be a big help!

Listly is a no-code web scraping service designed to make data collection easier for everyone. We help individuals and businesses of all types take advantage of automated data collection for sales, research, and lead generation in digital marketing.

Without further ado, let’s dive into today’s tutorial: how to build a list of European film agencies to generate leads!


Visit the following website and click LISTLY WHOLE to scrape basic information about the film agency members below.

Adapted from EFAD. Source: EFAD

STEP 2: Select a tab and click EXCEL

Then, you’ll be taken to Listly’s data extraction results page. Select a tab that contains the information you need. Next up, click on the EXCEL button to download data.

Voila, you’ve got all you need in just two clicks! Go check out Listly and start automating your data collection workflows now.

Before you go, one more! Listly is currently looking to work with blog writers and brand ambassadors to increase our brand awareness to potential customers. If you’re a writer looking for a paid blogging job, please reach out to the Listly team. We offer compensation per post, 10% referral rewards, a 1-month free trial ($90), and more!



Listly | Tips and Tricks

Listly, a web extension, simplifies web scraping without coding. This helps you collect and export enormous volumes of data into either Excel or Google Sheets.