Web scraping average freelancer hourly rates

Listly | Tips and Tricks
3 min readAug 4, 2023

How much do web scraping freelancers make? Any freelancers and companies that outsource their operations would face the question of how much to get paid or to charge. Here is a simple way to calculate hourly freelancer rates using web scraping!

In this tutorial, we searched for web scraping jobs on one of the most popular freelancing platforms and got more than 30 pages of results. For simplicity, we chose to scrape up to 30 pages that display freelancers profiles, including their service fees per hour, using Listly.

1. Click Whole to scrape all data on the web page.

If you click on the Whole button, you’ll be automatically taken to the result page. Select a tab that has the information you want, and then click + Group on the top.

2. Group the URLs that you want to scrape data together.

If you go back to the website and take a closer look at the address bar by clicking on each page to scrape, you’ll be able to notice that URL parameters are changing. For instance,


Copy all the URLs you want to group and scrape together and paste them to the Add URL section as below. Then, hit the Submit button.

If you want to see the status of your web scraping job, you can simply refresh your browser. Once it’s done, click Success to access the scraped data.

3. Download your data.

You can either check each scraping job or download all data into a single spreadsheet. Click Group Excel to export data to an Excel spreadsheet. Listly supports spreadsheet formats, APIs, and more!

There you go, you can now simply calculate how much money web scraping freelancers make if you use the Average function in Excel. With Listly, you can streamline your data collection flow within just a few minutes. Check out our 14-day free trial if you want to give it a try!



Listly | Tips and Tricks

Listly, a web extension, simplifies web scraping without coding. This helps you collect and export enormous volumes of data into either Excel or Google Sheets.