How to Make the World Love America

Daniel G. Jennings
Lists of Doom
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2024


Surprisingly, Americans, who spend all their time complaining about how terrible their country, its leaders, economy, and government are, cannot understand why foreigners hate America. Worse, many of these hypocrites lecture non-Americans on the greatness of America.

Photo by Donovan Reeves on Unsplash

However, idiots like President Joe Biden (D-Delaware) want non-Americans to love America. Thus, Biden wants patriots to hate their own countries.

To appease Biden and encourage this delusion. We shall list ways to make the world love America.

Ways to make the World Love America include:

  1. Keep giving arms and munitions to leaders like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu so they can kill more innocent civilians.
  2. Make American weapons technology available to all terrorists, warlords, and dictators.
  3. Stop promoting democracy. Since we don’t practice it here at home, we shouldn’t force this concept on other nations.
  4. Stop talking about freedom. Since we no longer give this to our citizens we should not promote it.
  5. Stop calling America the “land of opportunity.” Data shows there is more social mobility in other nation, including Europe than in the USA.
  6. Point out the areas in which America…



Daniel G. Jennings
Lists of Doom

Daniel G. Jennings is a writer who lives and works in Colorado. He is a lifelong history buff who is fascinated by stocks, politics, and cryptocurrency.