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Reasons to Invade Venezuela
New York Times columnist Bret Stephens wants the US military to invade Venezuela and depose President Nicolás Maduro. Frighteningly, some members of President Donald J. Trump Senior’s (R-Florida) administration like this idea.
Bizarrely, Maduro responded to this lunacy by threatening to invade Puerto Rico, a US commonwealth. Okay, we think invading Venezuela is stupid. However, it isn’t any dumber than Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine or President George W. Bush (R-Texas) invading Iraq to fight terrorism.
A Venezuela invasion is a horrible idea but an entertaining one. To encourage this lunacy, we shall list reasons why US forces should invade Venezuela.
Reasons for an American Invasion of Venezuela include:
- Invading Venezuela will secure that nation’s oil for US oil companies just as invading Iraq secured its oil for American companies. Notably, Chinese companies now control many of Iraq’s oil fields.
- An invasion is the only way to end Venezuela’s 150% hyperinflation. Just don’t ask how.
- We need an invasion of Venezuela to make the migrant crisis worse to make Republicans easier to elect in more American cities.
- Invading Venezuela is the only way to stop Maduro from invading the neighboring country of…