I Was Here
We lived and loved and with every breath resisted
We’re scrawling I was here on every wall
An existential cry that we existed
With every snapshot of our lives we post
That we lived and loved and with every breath resisted
But nothing truly lasts forever
Still, we try to carve our names in stone
No graffiti ever stands the test of time
But we do it still to know we’re not alone
Meanwhile, time is carving its own lines
No filter we make can wipe them all away
We post our dramas and our triumphs
Trying to immortalize who we are today
But time will come and make dust of us
There will be no record we existed
Never mind the way we tried to make our mark
Or that I tried to love and was resisted
The humiliation of my failed love will be forgotten
I think about this while the darkness falls
There will be no one to remember
As one day life will have erased us all