A Life Hangs By A Thread

Lit Up Halloween Spooks

Anitha Sankaran
Lit Up
2 min readNov 1, 2019


Image by angela lazeta from Pixabay

I was sleeping like a log. Something forced me to wake up. I tried to open my eyes and took my mobile from the nightstand to check the time. The digital clock in the home screen switched the time from 2:59 to 3:00 A.M. Seeing the light from the mobile after a deep sleep had sent the wake-up signal to my brain, so I got up from my bed.

I went near to the window and looked outside from my high rise apartment. The first thing I noticed was the thick rope hanging in front of the window. I wondered why it was hanging there. I opened the window and peeped out. Then it struck for me that the window cleaner might have left it the previous day after cleaning it.

I closed the window and gazed at the deserted street outside. Suddenly, the rope oscillated. I assumed it was because of the heavy wind, but it began to swing at high speed.

Before I could figure out the reason for it, I saw a shoe descending. Slowly the leg of the person appeared. It was the window cleaner. He was hanging in front of my window with a cleaning mop.

I opened the window, greeted him, and asked him why he was up early. He didn’t answer me. I thought he was rude and was about to close the window. At that time, I noticed the blood dripping from his neck. I was too nervous to check what happened to him and decided to call emergency.

I turned back to take my mobile. Something pulled my hand, and the next second, I was hanging in the rope below the cleaner.

My face got painted with his blood, and I screamed at the top of my voice.

©Anisesh 2019



Anitha Sankaran
Lit Up

Writer | Poet | Computer Engineer. Writing emotions beyond words.