A Testament to Love

Brianna williams
Lit Up
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2024

for all those lovers living in a loveless society

Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash

I never had a problem with the idea of loving others.
It was only when people told me how pointless my love was, in a loveless society that problems arose.

Shall I adapt to these loveless times and rid myself of these feelings deemed useless by those around me, and live a life filled only with the never-ending thoughts of what could’ve been?
Or shall I continue down the path filled with childish conceptions of what I believe love truly is?

And if I am not meant to love, then who will?
And who will love me if I, myself, am not a willing participant? And how will the world fare without the tender embrace of those who care for it? Is my love supposed to be a reflection of all those left in disappointment?

So do not blame me if I continue to live in my head and carry on with my frivolous and naive notions of someday being loved as whole-heartedly as I desire to love another. For what a dull life I shall lead without the beauty and tranquility that love brings.

And so, too, the whole world, I must say:
I love, love.
I love the joy that it brings,
the passion it leads.
I love how it is accompanied by its friend, sweetness, even though heartbreak always shows up uninvited.

I love that no one’s love shall ever be the same.
I love that it is the closest thing to heaven on earth.
I love how it can make even the strongest man fall to his knees.
And I love how we are all slaves to its great divinity.

So, I continue on loving despite what others say, and in my wake, I shall inspire others to do the same. Let my love stand as a testament to a life well-lived.
for no flower can properly thrive without nourishment.

Photo by Tirza van Dijk on Unsplash

a poem inspired by my desire

