A Visitor in Passing

Free Verse


Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash

An afternoon of late summer
perfection, brilliant and cool
a tinge of autumnal gold
already visible, and I sit engulfed in
coffee comfort in Russell Square, when
a visitor stops at my table
an intelligent mind trapped
within a tramp encasement
toothless and dirty, hair
wild and crusty hanging down upon
thin worn shoulders, a sweatshirt bearing
Univ. of London, books edged with dirt
The Ascent of Civilised Man on top
he carries the Financial Times,
I know not of him
other than that of his smile, warm
human, he questions me
where, what, why, accepting
a cigarette, his eyes gleam in
luxurious expectation, we talk
I answer, he’s pleased
he talks of going to Columbia University
to visit his son, to see
America, he starts off
wearily across the grass
a soft worn sun on his back



Richard Zeikowitz (Bhikkhu Nyanadhammika)
Lit Up
Writer for

Buddhist monk, formerly an Orthodox Christian monk, before that a professor of English literature, before that expatriate writer, living mostly in Berlin.