A Writer

Akshat Shukla
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readJun 23, 2018
Image Credit: Ramdlon

Looking beyond what was visible,
a man sat down and tried to scribble
some cloudy thoughts and misty memories
that he thought would become his stories.
He wrote for himself and for everyone,
strangely flowing was his little pen.
A recluse he seemed to all his friends,
lost to the world and its glamorous trends.
At times, his pen ran out of ink,
and he would just think without a blink.
Sometimes, he tried to be what others wished,
reduced to a clown to be laughed at and dissed.
One day, his pen broke down and the ink flowed,
and, somewhere in the sky, a tiny star glowed.



Akshat Shukla
Lit Up
Writer for

He is a poet, short story writer, essayist, playwright, and research scholar based in Kanpur, India. His book 'Micropoems' is available on Pothi (www.pothi.com)