Afternoon Content

Uṇṇi Nambia̅r
Lit Up
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2018

There is this time in the afternoon
Usually in the silence of three pm
When the world seems to pause
Like a moment between inhalation
And exhalation
When the fervent intake of the day’s work
Is paused momentarily, as if to reflect
Before exhaling the day to its end.

It’s a beautiful pause, when
The heat of the day begins to wane
The first breeze of the evening, sways
Insects and bees, in the silence of man
Go hurriedly about their work
Flitting furtively from plant to plant
Before the evening rush engulfs
All, with the oppression of man.

Yes, it is a beautiful pause, where
Craftsmen sit burrowed in their work
And the homely bound, in siestas
And the only signs of humanity
That are purposeful, are we few
With open eyes, who step into
The quiet relish of the silent pause.

To reflect on the life gone past
In the feverish rush to grow and mature
And the life yet to come
That last push of success and celebration
Before the long exhalation of life begins.

And yet there is content in this pause
An enjoyment of the day’s efforts
A reconciliation of regrets
A celebration of the companionship, thus far
An anticipation of the last push
And the sweet innocence of the future, yet to come.

The tinkle of friends toasting a celebration
The calmness of a well heeled resort
The comfort of a home built by hand
And the familiarity of a neighborhood of peers.

The warm circle of the extended family
The lethargy and beautiful laziness
Of quiet Saturdays and Sundays uneventfully
Passing by in the quiet afternoon pause.

Yes, there is content in the afternoon
In this peaceful silence of three pm.

Unni Nambiar (27th Apr 2008)



Uṇṇi Nambia̅r
Lit Up
Writer for

“I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.” ― Mary Oliver