Along the Seine

Jen Smat
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readFeb 2, 2018
Author’s photo — Paris 2013

Try describing Paris to
a man who’s never seen it.
Better to hand him a dog-eared copy

of “A Moveable Feast” or nod
in the direction of Balzac,
Fitzgerald, Henry James.

If you forge ahead with words
like beautiful, enchanting,
and weave your way toward

luminous and inscrutable,
by the time you stumble
upon ineffable,

you’ve likely lost him.

Now you’re wandering
down a narrow cobblestone alley
quite alone but for the ghosts

of writers and their swirling worlds of words,
though knowing that eventually
the endless winding streets

will open up into a park
or a garden
or a square

where under a stand of trees
on a weathered wooden bench
you can begin to explore

the new, better version of yourself
you picked out
on a table of used paperbacks
along the Seine.

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Jen Smat
Lit Up
Writer for

poet & writer. yogi. wanderer boldly going nowhere.