An Evening Lullaby

Brent Aaron
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readMar 6, 2018

Look up into the night.
What do you see, my love?
Something strange is stirring
in the heavens high above.
I’d swear the moon is smiling
at you through its glow.
A million stars are winking
as if they somehow know.

Have they learned the secret
that’s hidden there in you?
Could they know about the dream
that’s finally come true?
Rest my love, this night is yours
let your spirit fly
and listen as the breezes sing
an evening lullaby.

Tenderly and gentle
they serenade so true.
The stars keep perfect rhythm
as moonshine showers you.
And for a moment time
stands still for you and I
and for our dream that listens
to its evening lullaby.

