and they lined up two by two

Ashley Capes
Lit Up
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2018
Photo by Sebastián León Prado on Unsplash

1. spine so thin

I was sure you had stopped me
with your final pixels;
sure you had made me barren
of all poetry
found a way to fill my mouth with clay
before a single syllable
could be forced into some semblance of shape

how quickly four years became a hundred aborted poems
perished all by shark attack
in shallow waters

my spine so thin

and how I wondered and doubt grew fat
and happy beside me,
a hog left to rut as it pleased
soiling every fucking page
eyes bulging
in rancid euphoria

and god damn, it seems the biggest fool
is the one I let myself become



until today, I guess
this is tomorrow just a little bit early
and it’s another opportunity

isn’t it, to go from breakdown
to autobahn?

2. softest blue

yet still when I type and there’s old Capote leaning over me
that’s not writing

and if I take a second
I have to suspect there’s another spectre at the faucet,
someone else wrenching it closed


whatever it was that let me care back then


every inclination to spread some ink now

confidence from a confidence-man leads to doubt

I cannot work it out:

how to say it with words
when words no longer trust me

so let me just say it
(with no elegance at all)

I do not understand how it happened
but so much of my confidence seemed tied to your approval

and now that you’ve played your sleight of hand
how do I believe your kind words
how do I reconcile your generosity of spirit
with the darkness you cast
across a hundred other poets, more, I don’t know

and it’s pathetic, isn’t it? that I cannot find confidence
to take a stand
over my work or yours
when so much of my day is trying to banish doubt for others

and so now I wonder
over and over
if the first swallow of the season
will hear my cry
and lend me wings of the softest blue



Ashley Capes
Lit Up
Writer for

Australian writer of fantasy fiction, free verse poetry, haiku and other stuff. See more poetry at