Anymore cancels love

I lied aloud wishing you a nice life

Georgiana Petec
Lit Up


When you said you don’t love me anymore I believed you.

Thinking back, I realized I didn’t know much about love, because it doesn’t just come and go like a wave on a beach, without control. Love either exists or not. Anymore cancels it. It means it never existed to begin with.

Logically I never understood you in the first place. We spoke different languages. Mine was of love.

When you threw that cold goodbye on Valentine’s day, as if I were a stranger who wished to harm you, you followed it with a spiteful shrug and turned your back on me. That, your body language, I understood fully. How cruel, I thought, and I lied aloud wishing you a nice life.

Has it been two decades and a half? You still ask how I am and feel the need to tell me about your life. Is it because of that lie? I wonder. Are you trying to prove something to me? Is it guilt? Still?

I smile because I get the last smile after all. A twenty-five year smile. Suits you well. You deserve it.

“Come to mummy,” I open my arms wide to my child running like a horse, wrapping the terror at his forehead possibly split on the rocks in my warmest, loving beyond universe laughter.

Copyright © 2021 by Georgiana Petec. All rights reserved.



Georgiana Petec
Lit Up

Words, my trusted allies, written when you couldn’t be spoken, now for other voices to read you— I welcome you here.