
Marta Mozolewska
Lit Up
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2019
Photo by Lepale (via pixabay)

Sex differences — one of the most fascinating topics imaginable. The topic that’s as broad and deep as the ocean, at least for me, a woman, as my husband sees it differently (surprisingly). He claims that what it all basically boils down to and stems from is that women think too much in a manner resembling a spectacular avalanche, as opposed to men, often creating a problem, or at their best the whole new reality, that wasn’t even there in the first place! Well, I do admit there might be some truth in it, judging by what I’ve experienced recently.

I’m in a local computer hardware shop buying a laptop cable. Suddenly, I lay my eyes on a lovely light beige Labrador retriever lying in the corner of the room behind the counter. The standard small talk naturally commences, “What a beautiful dog! What’s its name? How old is it?”

Lots of “ohs” and “wows”.

Satan (as that turns out to be the dog’s name), a clever beast, very soon realizes he’s become the topic of the conversation and dashes joyfully toward me. The paws on the counter from the other side, I spontaneously reach out my hand to pat him, but…stop (half way)! I wonder aloud if he happens to be sort of irritable and might, for example, bite my whole arm off?

The shop owner responds, “No worry. Satan bites virgins only.”

“Oops! I shouldn’t touch him then!”

The shop owner laughs and I give him a wry smile in reply.

Why “wry”? Oh, come on! Such a remark evokes a myriad of questions in the head of the intended recipient — a woman!

Is the joker’s aim to offend me? Is it supposed to be a compliment? Am I too old to be a virgin in his opinion? Too obese (post-pregnancy fat remnants here and there)? Or perhaps I’m too pretty/ sexy to have spared my virginity? Or maybe the clothes and/or make-up I’m wearing today make me look too…horny? Do I look like a hooker in general? What on earth does he mean? Should I rejoice or rather…cry? The essential issue being here: do I actually want to look like a virgin? Should I want to? Good Lord, I’ve never thought about that! I’ll surely have to find some solitary place as soon as I get back home to seriously ponder on it!

The guy, grinning at me innocently, rocked my entire world with a single joke, completely unaware of its avalanche effect.

All rights reserved.

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Marta Mozolewska
Lit Up
Writer for

translator, mother of two naughty kids, and writer in the meantime, marta.mozolewska333@gmail.com