
Shodhan Prakash
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readJun 13, 2018
Photo by Nischal Masand on Unsplash

A city of drunks, poets, and drunk poets.
Where beer cannons implode testicles,
Smokes are sold on cycles,
And love is bought with long bills.
Floydians head-bang to Metallica at Jimi’s in Iron Maiden jerseys.
A city so indifferent to difference.
Black. Brown. White. Brown.
Sluts in saris
Punks in suits
Sadhus in jeans
A city so different!
Made green by a million trees of treason.
I wonder if it was the ganja that made me giggle
Or the booze that flirted with my brain.
I fell in love with Bangalore.
I fell in love in Bangalore.
I left behind…
My heart is with her.
​She lives in a yellow house with a wooden door.



Shodhan Prakash
Lit Up
Writer for

I believe I have the power to comfort souls and disturb minds…and so, I create!