Blood Brothers

E.D. Martin
Lit Up
Published in
11 min readSep 12, 2018


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The edge of the blade is warm against Kennedy’s skin. It’s not the first time he’s been cut, probably won’t be the last either, but this time, it’s different. This time, it means something.

“Ready?” Rachel whispers. Her face is half shrouded in the darkness, her hands illuminated by a moonbeam coming through the shed window.

They’re not supposed to be outside, not supposed to be awake, and the consequences would be severe if they’re caught: third strike, you’re out.

“Ready,” he whispers back.

Rachel nods and draws the knife across his palm. He winces as a hot line oozes up. She hands him the knife and he quickly cuts across her palm too. She watches him, not her hand, and he doesn’t see any sign of pain, any change in her expression.

“Okay, now hold up your hand.” Rachel holds up her own hand and he presses his bloody palm against hers. “We’re blood brothers now.”

“You’re a girl,” he quickly interjects.

“Yeah, but ‘blood brother and sister’ doesn’t sound as cool.” She rolls her eyes but smiles a little. “We’re blood brothers. United for life. I’ll protect you, and you’ll protect me. Till death do us part.”

“United for life,” Kennedy repeats. Even without this, he’d do anything for Rachel.



E.D. Martin
Lit Up
Writer for

Half hobo, half homesteader. Telling the “what if” stories of those around her. She/her. Read more at