How Desi Met Tuppy

Danna Reich Colman
Lit Up


written by Thom Garrett
edited by Danna Colman

Mrs. Rutherford, the headmaster of Essex Academy, was in no mood for nonsense. It was October, and there wasn’t a single open seat anywhere in the elementary building and most certainly not in the overcrowded Level 1 classes. How this woman even got an appointment was a mystery, and someone was going to catch hell for it.

Ten minutes earlier, mother and daughter had been sitting silently in the headmaster’s reception area. If you had walked by and seen the look on their faces, you might think they had just had an argument, but you would be wrong. They were still having it.

I hate this place!

You’ll like it if you just give it a chance.

I don’t want to give it a chance! Why should I?

You need to go to school. All children go to school.

But why do I have to go to school with a bunch of retards?

Desi! We don’t use the R-word! They are just differently abled.

You mean stupid! They can’t see! They can’t do stuff! They can’t even talk! I hate them!

You’ll like them if you just give them a chance.

In the office now, Mrs. Rutherford leaned forward, presenting as much intimidation as she could…



Danna Reich Colman
Lit Up

Writer, author and copyeditor. “What doesn’t kill us gives us something new to write about” ~ J. Wright