Christmas Future

Lit Up: December’s Prompt

Dale E. Lehman
Lit Up
Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2018


It’s rough being me.

First, I have to go around in this getup. Black doesn’t suit me. I’m more of a shimmery, barely-there sort of guy. My person, I mean, not my clothing. Without this bulky black cloak and monk’s hood, you’d probably think I was a hallucination. My form constantly shifts, see, like the future.

But no, I can’t go around like that. The Boss has this dress code, at least for me. So instead of intriguing people, I’m doomed to scaring the dickens out of everyone.


Never mind. Bill Murray was right about that joke.

So anyway, there was this guy, let’s call him Chuck. You know those people who say live for the moment? Chuck wasn’t one of them. If someone handed him a million dollars, he’d put it in the bank and boil pinto beans for dinner. Not that he had money. He’d blundered into a copy editor job with a local newspaper, not a lucrative position, and stayed there. Even so, he was a lousy date. How many girls want to eat boiled pinto beans with their guy while watching reruns?

Yeah, Chuck’s life and prospects were pretty miserable, facts which somehow escaped him. Finally, the Boss figured Chuck needed shaking up and sent me in. Aside from the cloak, that’s the thing I hate most about this job. I…



Dale E. Lehman
Lit Up
Writer for

Award-winning author of mysteries, science fiction, humor, and more. See my freebies for readers and writers at