Crossroads Contest Winners!

The Full List and Cover Reveal!

DiAmaya Dawn
Lit Up
3 min readNov 28, 2018


Artwork: Caiti Leigh Fergus // Cover Design: Panagiotis Leontaris

Hello, hello, hello!

Before we start, please note:

This newsletter concerns only the anthology features. All participants should await a final note regarding our new magazine’s features. A response will be sent to both accepted and non accepted entries soon.

I’m super excited to announce the winners of our first ever contest! I won’t keep you waiting:

1st place: “What About the Caterpillar” by Tina Higgins Wussow

$100 + Publication in our first anthology + Feature in our new magazine’s first issue!

2nd place: “Echorus” by Claudia Clarke

$30 + Publication in our first anthology + Feature in our new magazine’s second issue!

3rd place: Well, here we have two winners but we will not split the prize:

“Forgive Me” by Lisa Mae DeMasi and “It’s a Girl” by Elizabeth Helmich

$20 each + Publication in our first anthology + Feature in our new magazine’s first issue: “It’s a Girl” and second issue: “Forgive me”!


Lit Up has decided to reward one more writer, a selection solely from the Lit Up team:

D. E. Monnier: Van Diemen’s Land

$20 + Publication in our first anthology + Feature in our new magazine’s first issue!


All four winners are expected to send their to

Here’s the full list of our anthology features (in last name alphabetical order):

1. Talon Abernathy: Siren from the Wasteland

2. Ryan Bell: Starshine

3. Zarina Dara 🥀💃🏻: Kid’s Play

4. Alexandro Chen: Sixty Thousand Yen

5. Claudia Clarke: Echorus

6. Edith Cook: Aftermath of a War

7. Sally Davies: Far from the tree

8. Lisa Mae DeMasi: Forgive Me

9. Chris Drew: It’s Not What You Think

10. Joan Evans: The Garden

11. Thom Garrett: Maisie Barnes

12. Dermott Hayes: Saoirse (48) from Ballyfermot

13. Elizabeth Helmich: It’s a Girl

14. Steve B Howard: The Tunnel, the Light, Or the Drop

15. Brian Kerg: Trigger Finger

16. K.D. Kelley: Finery in Tatters

17. Robert Loughlin: Searching for Heaven

18. Paul S Markle: Nash Lava

19. D. E. Monnier: Van Diemen’s Land

20. Anna Pfeiffer: How Many?

21. V. Plut: A Singular Moment

22. Erica Rex: Using

23. Christopher Ryan: GRAY KNUCKLES

24. Stephen M. Tomic: The Magician

25. Tina Higgins Wussow: What About the Caterpillar

Thank you all who participated and supported this contest and our team in any way!

Contracts will be sent to all featured writers shortly and we expect publication in early December.

A special thank you to our super awesome judges:

Dermott Hayes, Stephen M. Tomic, Ray Harvey, Joan Evans, Pamela Edwards, Chris Drew, Tracy Aston

and the Lit Up team that is working so hard every day to allow me to organise all the literary treats I have in mind. I owe them so much! So THANK YOU A Maguire, Pat Link, Tom Conley! It’s been a blessing having such an amazing family to work with!

This has been a magnificent experience for all of us, and there’s no other way for me to thank you than to do my best to deliver the most enjoyable anthology possible.

A million thank-yous and endless love to this community that makes my days extraordinary.

Again, congratulations to all winners and participants!

That’s all for today.

Until next time, don’t forget to live, love, and create.

Much love to all of you,

DiAmaya Dawn



DiAmaya Dawn
Lit Up

Reader, writer, editor, poet, dancer, music addict. Japanophile, pluviophile and attracted by darkness. Part normal, part Greek.