
A Maguire
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readOct 24, 2017

Daylight’s fading, shadows creep into the room,

His skin dims to grey, the hollows darken.

The silence is filled with echoes; laughter and debate, soft moans and a faint, rhythmic creak.

Love lives in memory, pored over with regret and remorse.

His heart is full but locked, the key lost somewhere ago,

With the chill of ice.

Some loves die of neglect,

The stink of their rotting corpses filling whole rooms,

Leaving only tepid smiles of affection.

Hope lies somewhere in the future, not in the lies of the past,

A meeting of chance? Not certainty, not faith or belief.

Just a wish, kept inside, losing cohesion.

Daylight’s gone. Night presses against the window.

Silence gapes in shades of black.

Look forward or back, the road is empty,

A desolate path that leads onto nowhere,

The last stop long past, the next unknown.



A Maguire
Lit Up

Writer, dreamer, developmental editor, book coach, farmer and mother.