
Catherine Marty
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2018
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Like a steamroller approaching in slow motion,
the warning clear; undisputed,
suspense builds.


Balled fists ready like rockets,
the slightest sneer;
a remark unjust,
the result already known.


Your power creates a cloud,
covering planets;
the darkness ensues,
breaking point is seen and feared.


The eggshells are not crushed around you,
they are kept perfectly in place;
always at my detriment,
never yours.


my tears fall whilst self-doubt creeps in;
my own being,


I lie in wait.



Catherine Marty
Lit Up
Writer for

Melbourne based writer of fiction and poetry. Therapist. Singer/Songwriter. Traveller. Feminist. Aspiring novelist. Twitter: @CatherineMarty3