Falling in Love in Hell

Edward Punales
Lit Up
Published in
13 min readJun 26, 2019



They found the entrance to Hell in a cave in the middle of the desert.

The government made a camp around it, cordoned off the area to keep out weirdoes, religious freaks, Satan worshipers, and jerks who just wanted to take pictures.

They planned an expedition, a recon mission into the heart of the underworld. Why? It just seemed like a good idea. Some government bureaucrat thought it’d be nice to have an official record on the matter, get a lay of the land so we could study it. Shit, maybe they thought they could make money from it.

The expedition team was made up of four people.

There was me, David Thompson. I’m a scientist, but that’s not why I’m on the team. They put me here because they wanted someone who’d already been to Hell. They hoped I would be useful.

The real scientist on the team was a guy named Stuart. He was quiet, logical, practical, calm, and detached. He acted like we were going to the Galapagos to study sea turtles. Probably why he was chosen. I hoped he was ready.

The other two were military. Private Tom was the first one I met; a young guy, but very big, his body covered in tattoos. He seemed like a good person, but I wasn’t sure he knew what we were up against. He seemed a little too excited to jump in and fight demons. He thought his muscles and bullets…



Edward Punales
Lit Up

I am a writer and filmmaker. I love storytelling in all its forms. Contact Info and Other Links: https://medium.com/@edwardpgames/my-bibliography-6ad2c863c6be